[Proposal] Data Whale's "The Art of Data" - Proposed Data Strategy

:whale: The Data Whale Vision :whale:

:whale: Data Whale Curation & Management

:globe_with_meridians: Data Whale Ethereum Address

:anger: OceanDAO Round 1

:anger: OceanDAO Round 2

:world_map: Data Whale Business Plan

:bookmark_tabs: Proposal Summary

Our primary focus is to provide community-oriented tools for stakeholders to navigate the data economy and Ocean Marketplace. This objective was supported with the help of our Directory dataset, a first-mover in terms of dataset analysis tools, such as charting, staking wallet and staking recommendations.

Following our successful OceanDAO participation in Round 1 and Round 2, we will expand the accessibility of our research with the help of alga., a free-to-use mobile application that is currently under development and where we have already written more than 5000 lines of code together with our team (expected completion Q2/2021).

As outlined in the “Art of Data”, Data Whale’s business plan, we aim to treat data and the process of “Initial Data Offerings” (IDOs) as if each dataset is their own business. For this, we have implemented unique tools, such as “Data White Papers” and “Data Roadmaps”, in order to provide clarity to stakeholders on the outlook to their respective investment.

Data Whale Curation & Management is already fueling the data economy since the inauguration of the Ocean Marketplace! So far, we have paid 10,000 US$+ in fees “off-chain” to highly skilled freelancers and third party developers that are based in some of the poorest parts of the world, helping us to develop Python crawlers, data curation, Excel pivots, explainer videos, UI samples and much more! So far, we have awarded 33 mini-jobs to 13 individuals.

From our side, we have invested countless hours and sleepless nights, maintaining and curating data, putting our research together, drafting business plans, data white papers and research journals. We launched 4 IDOs, including a collection of e-Commerce data that helps to open an online store for home-workout equipment valued at 1,300 US$+ per dataset (currently available for 52 OCEAN!).

Our vision is to be the preferred onboarding consultant for corporate datasets, providing organizations an end-to-end solution to curate their data, handle stakeholder requests and manage liquidity against a vesting fee.

To achieve this goal, we are looking to participate in the third OceanDAO grant round with the following aim.

⌧ Unleash data and onboard corporate datasets.
⌧ Add value to the Ocean eco-system and continue growing its reputation.

:thought_balloon: Project Overview

Our vision is segregated in to three main components.

  1. Community Trust

  2. Business Acquisition

  3. Continuous Expansion

:speech_balloon: What problem is your development solving?

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are becoming widely popular, but for many businesses and individuals the exact technology and meaning still remain unknown. Throughout our pitches to potential business partners, we have struggled to explain the sheer potential of building a data economy with the help of blockchain. At the end, we simplified it by saying “think of offering shares for your data, so people can invest in to your data like they would buy shares on the stock exchange”.

It is evident that an intermediary is necessary to onboard as many data partners as possible, providing trust and reputation to the marketplace, whilst encouraging opportunities for stakeholders.

:calling: What is the project roadmap?

Our business aims to onboard at least 2 reputable corporate data partners in 2021. We aim to curate and launch both IDOs that achieve at least 500’000 in community-staked OCEAN liquidity.

We aim to re-design our online presence and become a registered company by mid-2021 and will be based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates maintaining a digital business license.

:bookmark: Project Details & ROI

Community Trust
Building community trust plays an important role in our vision for Data Whale Curation & Management. Trust is the most important layer of the marketplace, guaranteeing our clients and stakeholders that we are managing liquidity with the best interest of our stakeholders in mind. Since we have launched our first dataset, Data Whale has been actively communicating with the Ocean community, building trust for both official Ethereum wallets. This is further fueled by providing community-focused tools, such as the alga. application. Data Whale aims that these actions will draw future investments to their managed liquidity pools.

Business Acquisition
This represents the current stage of our company. So far, we have held 7 meetings with potential data partners, covering sports data, energy data, hospitality data, real-estate data and influencer data. We have also acquired several leads during our participation in the GITEX and Future Blockchain Summit in Dubai, to help startups create new revenue streams with the help of the Ocean Marketplace.

Though interest is evident, businesses are still questioning the integrity of the marketplace and blockchain in general. Furthermore, there may be legal barriers of monetizing business data, due to questions regarding data ownership. However, this grant will help us continue building confidence and cover our business expenses, achieving our goals by end of 2021.

Continuous Expansion
Once the first data partners are onboarded, we believe that we can “open the gates” for many other potential organizations. With the help of our extensive business network, we will ensure to promote the Ocean Marketplace to every industry we can reach. By showcasing “best practices” of existing corporate clients, the barrier to onboard should be reduced.

Investment Details
We will use the grant to cover our ongoing business expenses and will complete the following projects until Q4/2021.

  1. Onboard at least 2 corporate data partners with 500’000 OCEAN in TVL.
  2. Re-design and upgrade our website presence.
  3. Register and acquire our business license in Dubai, UAE.

Bang: We consider that an estimate of 15% of TVL (500’000) will be derived from drawing new stakeholders to the marketplace, i.e. 75’000 OCEAN
Chance of Success: 70%
Buck: 10’000 OCEAN
ROI = 75’000/10’000 = 7.5 * 70% = 5.25

The Team
We consist of one Ocean Ambassadors (in stealth mode) and a support associate with full-time jobs in corporate leadership positions. Besides working a 60-hour work-week, our Ocean Ambassador is completing an MBA with a specialization in data analytics.

Over the last three months, we have employed 13 freelance individuals, along with an outsourced team of 3 full-stack developers and 1 Phd data scientist helping us to build and maintain all of Data Whale’s tools. As we continue growing, we aim to employ at least 1 full-time associate to manage both communication, as well as day-to-day activities.

For more information on our proposal, kindly visit our website.! Feel free to reach out to us directly via info@datawhale.online

Disclaimer. Twitter. Telegram.

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Well done! You continue to deliver great value and it is great to have this proposal. Kudos to the awesome formatting … just learned a new trick. Thank you and the best of luck.

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[Deliverable Checklist]

[X] Our Website, Tokenization Pitch, Business Plan and Research Paper have been re-designed and updated.
https://www.datawhale.online/learn (all other documents)

[X] We have acquired and held around 15-20 introductory meetings with potential corporate data-partners, all of which have signaled their interest but did not move forward with tokenization so far. We have also arranged an introductory meeting between Bruce Pon and a high-level government entity.

[X] We have continued to create value with the help of our Data Token Liquidity Pools. A brief snapshot of our LP numbers can be found below.

[X] We have hired legal representation to finalize our legal documentation. The documents, including , Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for third-party providers within the Ocean Market eco-system are open-source and can be viewed below. We will also launch our revised tokenization agreement and judicial analysis here: https://datawhale.online/learn and https://www.datawhale.online/terms-conditions

Privacy Policy for Data Token dApp Providers:

Terms of Service for Data Token dApp Providers:

We are looking to mark this Proposal as completed, in order to be able to potentially apply for funding in future OceanDAO rounds.

Please comment with any feedback below and we trust that this submission maintains our good reputation within the OceanDAO community.