mPowered | First-class integration of market with Google Dataset Search | Round 16

Project Name


Project Description

First-class integration with Parameters to C2D in Ocean Market - Add parameters to an algorithm to Ocean Market

Final Product

  1. PR to the market and possibly other repositories
  2. Update the appropriate documentation

Core Team

We are the team behind Transport Genie, an award winning IoT company that has created bespoke sensors from scratch that monitors local environmental conditions as livestock are in transit. We have pivoted to mPowered because we have seen the vast potential of Ocean Protocol because of what they have been building.

Joel Sotomayor: Co-Founder of mPowered

A serial entrepreneur who has already exited 2 companies, owns multiple patents (in 10 countries), 2 trade-marks, and multiple innovation awards in Canada and Australia. When he isn’t writing code, he is often hanging out with his Uber smart GF or talking to Corrie. Like most developers, he likes predictable results, loves to study pattern-behaviours relationships, has lots of quirks and quarks, and enjoys music but has 2 left feet when he dances.

Corre Sloot: Co-Founder of mPowered

Senior Full-Stack developer and has been involved with Blockchain since 2009 (he was a Satoshi-Era miner). He has undergraduate degrees in Physics and Computer Science and Joel thinks he is one of the smartest guys that he has ever met. He also loves cURL.

Noah Redler, Vice President of mPowered

Noah is a season veteran and is a technology futurists. He is helping us become “investment ready” and is helping out with Business Development and Investor relations.

mPowered IP Portfolio

United States Patent and Trademark Office

System and Method for Secure Data Messaging using a quantum proof encryption method for IoT devices within low bandwidth spectrum.

Patent number: Pending (US 63/227,627)

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Data envelop™ is a trademark which we have registered with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office to describe how we send data securely from devices.

Trademark number: 2025085.


Currently no advisors

Proposal One Liner

First-class integration of market with Google Dataset Search.

Proposal Description

First-class integration of market with Google Dataset Search. Dataset Search is a search engine for datasets. By adding a little structured data (JSON-LD or RDFa) to the market HTML, it will allow users outside of the Ocean ecosystem to more easily find and purchase datasets. Certain properties already exist for a DID, such as name, description, creator, license, etc. Others may be added when datasets are published such as temporalCoverage, spatialCoverage, Tabular datasets, etc. Complete list of properties.

This has been approved by the Core Tech Working Group.

Grant Deliverables

A pull request (PR) on the Ocean Market github.

Value Add Criteria

This will increase the traffic to the market from people who use Google Dataset search.

Funding Requested


Wallet Address


As per our deliverable, here is the PR: SEO fix by corrie-sloot · Pull Request #1359 · oceanprotocol/market · GitHub

mPowered Team