DataMarketCap | DataMarketCap - CoinMarketCap for Datasets on Ocean | Round 19

Project Name


Project Category

Build & Integrate

Proposal Earmark

New Entrants

Proposal Description

We are building a dashboard like Coingecko and CoinMarketCap for datasets that are registered within Ocean ecosystem. Idea is to provide a one stop solution to community members to access various key metric around dataNFTs and datatokens so that they can visualise, analyse and research various datasets registered in Ocean Protocol to stay updated and informed on their staked investments.

Grant Deliverables

Create MVP landing page, branding and social channels.

Create a skeleton backend framework to source static info for various datasets.

Spread the word and start creating community around it.

Project Description

After release of Ocean v4, we have seen increasing count of datasets being registered on Ocean Market. And with launch of Data Farming initiative, we can also see community members asking for better tools to analyse and research on which datasets to stake on. There are existing tools in Ocean ecosystem that are good at transacting (swapping and staking) like Ocean Market, Datapolis, Alga etc but none of them yet provide useful metrics that users and stakers can use to analyse their staking decisions.

DataMarketCap aims to be the tool that will provide a macro and micro analysis on each dataset and data economy within Ocean ecosystem as whole. Imagine Coingecko for datasets. DataMarketCap aims to be a long term project with a vision to provide necessary tools needed not only for stakers but for industry analysts to research on various datasets and access useful metrics like -

  • Total Sales over time
  • Total Staked Volume over time
  • Price of Datatoken over time
  • Trade Volume of Datatokens over time

Final Product

A Coingecko/CoinMarketCap like dashboard that tracks various metrics for Datatokens and provides nice visually appealing time series charts of various metrics described above by sourcing data from various subgraphs and various blockchains.

Value Add Criteria

There is no one-stop datatoken index and charting tool in the Ocean ecosystem at the time. So DataMarketCap will provide an allround view of datasets in Ocean ecosystem. This will be extremely helpful not only to Stakers or new community members but also to the industry analysts like Messari and Delphi to analyse growing trends and metrics in Ocean ecosystem.

Core Team

Dhaval K

Role - Lead Developer

Github - dhaval1414 (dkdev) · GitHub

Email -

Background - 6+ years of Software dev experience (2+ years in Crypto)

Barry Josh,

Role - Full Stack Developer

Github - barryjo (Josh Barry) · GitHub

Email -

Background - Proficient in MEAN stack. Experience in Data & Fintech industry.

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address

Hi @barryjo and @dhaval1414 I have dug into this project a bit as it jumped out at me for being somewhat familiar.

Basically, we’ve had 2 submissions from you in the past:
R3 - Funded - [Proposal] OCEAN dashboard
R4 - Not Funded - Ocean Dashboard - Historical Liquidity tracking

We have never received any updates or completion from you, as defined by our grants program.
Wiki - Write Proposal · oceanprotocol/oceandao Wiki · GitHub
Project Standing Dashboard -

As it stands now, the Ocean Dashboard project is outstanding/not in good standing. Attempts made by me to hear from you have been left unanswered.

Further, we have now begun building a dashboard process so we can analyze and monitor specific needs in our multi-chain ecosystem.

For all the reasons above, I feel the responsibility to downvote until you are able to reconcile your previous project (ocean-dashboards) before being able to move forward with this one (datamarketcap).

In order to do this, I would expect you to access your previous project inside of to reconcile/sunset it before continuing.

Due to the historical aspects, I would suggest a path where we identify how you can contribute to our current dashboard/analysis efforts, before continuing on.

All the best,

  • Idiom
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