Part 1 - Proposal Submission
Name of the Project:
Core Tech WG Rewards
Proposal in one sentence:
Coordinape circle & rewards for Core Tech Working Group (CTWG) members towards fulfilling its mission, especially towards getting teams to do high-priority tech projects.
Description of the proposal:
The CTWG was established in late 2021 with the mission to “steward community initiatives towards high-impact technical outcomes.” This includes identifying high-priority tech projects (earmarks), find teams to work on them, and help shepherd those projects to completion. It’s made progress: it’s identified high-impact earmarks, got them in grants rounds, and set a process to determine whether a project is eligible for an earmark. Details:
Here’s the problem. Only a handful of teams have applied under the earmarks so far. No team has gone through an earmark to completion yet. The WG has discussed many possible tactics (referral incentives, blog posts, etc), some of which could be funded as OceanDAO grants. However, each specific tactic has overhead to agree upon, implement, and (in some cases) get funded. Thus evolved a more general and an adaptive approach to drive this forward.
Grant deliverables:
- [ ] A Coordinape rewards circle for Core Tech Working Group (CTWG)
- [ ] 3 GIVE epochs for CTWG over the next 3 months. Each epoch uses 1/3 of funds granted. The first epoch will be run shortly after R14 voting completes.
- [ ] 6 grant proposals that fall under core-tech earmarks and that received a grant.
- [ ] 3 core-tech earmarks have successfully been accomplished. This may have been over several grants by the same team. Some may have started before this grant was initiated.
Project category:
Improvements to the Ocean DAO
Applicable earmark:
What is the final product?
Summary: A Coordinape circle and the social process around it, to incentivize CTWG members to focus on high value add activities, yet allowing for creative approaches and minimizing overhead.
Retroactively reward WG members who contributed most towards the CTWG’s mission, especially around finding teams to work on earmarks and helping the teams complete.
WG members are rewarded after-the-fact based on effort and (especially) effectiveness, as subjectively judged by their WG member peers. Using “GIVE” voting in Coordinape. WG members can opt-in for rewards; WG members that are already on contract will not opt in, of course (e.g. Trent, Alex, Roberto).
Tactics are up to WG members. Given WG discussions, WG members will likely be rewarding efforts & effectiveness on:
early stage of funnel. Example: writing a blog posts that details a specific earmark
mid stage. Example: referring a team to apply under core-tech earmark
tail end. Example: helping ensure a team has successfully completed an earmark (while avoiding double-dipping reward from Project-Guiding WG funds)
In this setup, WG members can just “go and try stuff” with little overhead. What tactics work, work, what don’t, don’t. The WG member gets rewarded accordingly. Many ideas have been discussed in CTWG minutes:
From R12, the Project-Guiding Working Group (PGWG) has implemented a similar Coordinape-based approach to help fulfill their mandate. ttps://
Note: This grant itself does not count as falling under one of the Core Tech earmarks.
Which one or more of the value-add criteria will your project focus on? Why do you believe your team will do well on those criteria?
The project will help on all criteria, but especially help on “Usage of Ocean”.
- Usage of Ocean → helps to catalyze projects with high potential usage
- Viability → easy to implement technically, and we have the WG in place
- Community active-ness → each team member is a CTWG team member, implicitly highly active
- Adding value to the overall community → helps to catalyze many other teams to build valuable Ocean-powered products
Funding Requested:
Proposal Wallet Address:
(will belong to Core-Tech WG)
Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant?
Team website:
CTWG mission and all minutes
Team discord:
CTWG Discord channel
Team socials and credentials:
- Team Complete audit of all meetings; driven by stewards [ Core Tech WG ]
- Discord channel of Core-tech WG
Project lead full name: Prakash Kamaraj
Project lead email:
Country of Residence: India
Part 2 - Team
Lead: Prakash Kamaraj
Other CTWG members include: Trent McConaghy, Alex Coseru, Roberto Alcantara, Akshay, Robin Lehmann, Trang Nguyen, Richard Blythman, Shady El Damaty, Amir Mabhout