Algovera | Publishing Data Science Notebooks as NFTs on the Ocean Marketplace | Round 19

Project Name


Project Category

Build & Integrate

Proposal Earmark


Proposal Description

BlockScience Lab’s recently launched a web2 app for designing and building complex system models within teams. This includes a custom JupyterLab extension where token engineers and data scientists can write experiments and publish notebooks as static web2 pages. We believe that platforms like this can be further improved through Web3 integrations, such as our previous work on integrating MetaMask, Filecoin, and Lit Protocol with JupyterLab. We now want to go one step further and allow notebooks created on JupyterLab to be published as NFTs on the Ocean Marketplace. This functionality is useful for the DeSci space since notebooks are similar to interactive scientific papers.

Grant Deliverables

  • [ ] Add functionality to allow notebook files (.ipynb) as urls for algorithms published on the Ocean marketplace. This will enable automatic deployment to different compute providers’ environments using SAME Project.
  • [ ] Add “Publish to Ocean” button to our JupyterLab extension.
  • [ ] Report on implementation of a custom compute backend to our JupyterLab extension.
  • [ ] Get C2D working with Filecoin links, write unit tests and add to to and provider PRs.
  • [ ] Algovera Grants Round 4
  • [ ] Begin Kubeflow Pod to continue work on integrating ML deployment pipeline.
  • [ ] Preparation for Algovera Demo Day #1
  • [ ] Host Session #3 of Privacy Preserving ML Study Group

Project Description

We are a community of data scientists making it easier to build, co-own and monetize AI apps in Web3. We describe Algovera in three layers: (i) community, (ii) tools/libraries/integrations, and (iii) commercialisation. We onboard data scientists to Web3, train them to use tools such as wallets, the Ocean marketplace, Compute-to-Data (C2D), and run a grants program to help them to kickstart their own projects. We provide and infrastructure that integrates many technologies such as data marketplaces, decentralized storage and compute, data science libraries and DAO infrastructure that makes it easier for community members to progress from initial idea to a team with a monetized AI app.

Final Product

A Web3 AI marketplace with tools, libraries and integrations that make it easy to build, collaborate and monetize AI apps.

Value Add Criteria

  1. Usage of Ocean

Data scientists are natural data consumers. Creating further tools, libraries and integrations (and making it easier for data scientists to onboard to Web3) will help to increase consume volume of data and algorithm tokens. Funding more data science projects will result in more new projects and assets using Ocean. Completing freelance work will help to develop raw data into algorithms and insights.  

Core Team

Richard Blythman

Hithesh Shaji

Keaton Kirkpatrick

Jakub Smékal

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address


Keep up the great work!

You got your support
