Web3Basketball | Web3Basketball: basketball dApp | Round 23

Project Name


Project Category

Build & Integrate

Proposal Earmark

New Entrants

Proposal Description

Web Basketball dApp introduces users to the sport of Basketball as well as contains item store to track and ledger the delivery of basketball equipment.

YouTube Demo

GitHub Repo

Each real equipment item is ledgered via a digital one with a smart contract logic system in place to determine the demand and track items. When delivery is completed the DApp ERC1155 NFTs should be exchanged for the physical items.

Grant Deliverables

  • Grant Deliverable 1: Implement Client - Front End Application
  • Grant Deliverable 2: Implement Smart Contracts
  • Grant Deliverable 3: Integrate Data Tracking to Ocean Marketplace

Project Description

Basketball improves overall health, benefits mental health, and keeps you fit.

If your problem is extra pounds, basketball will help you quickly lose weight and gain the long-awaited harmony.

How basketball affects human psychology?

Very positive, because it forms in us many useful qualities and skills. For example, endurance, the ability to focus on a set goal, take initiative, work in a team and take responsibility. Playing sports makes you happier or less stressed.

With decentralized storage provider IPFS and blockchain technology, we are building a decentralized platform for you to learn how to play basketball.

We all know that sport is good for physical health. Basketball also has many psychological benefits.

Final Product

Web Basketball Dapp introduces users to the sport of Basketball as well as contains item store to track and ledger the delivery of basketball equipment.

Value Add Criteria

A great win for the producers is to save on costs with improved inventory tracking and demand management.

Web Basketball dApp succeeds where off-chain software ledgering system products fail because they may go out of service, need updates, crash with data losses. Web Basketball dApp is a very low cost business systems management product/tool.

While competing software based ledgering products carry monthly and or annual base fees, the only new costs accrued by the business utilizing the dApp are among new contract deployments. A new contract for new batch of items only is needed every few months based on demand and delivery schedule.

Further, We Consider Ocean Protocol a key component to our decentralized application. In particular, Ocean marketplace can enable free market prices for users as producers could monetize the data they produce.

Core Team

Pavel Fedotov

Role: Fullstack Blockchain Engineer

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pavel-fedotov-pinsave/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pfedprog

GitHub: Pfed-prog · GitHub

Alexander Fedotov

Role: Junior Blockchain Developer

GitHub: AlexFedotovqq · GitHub

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address