Note - Writing a grant entry to apply as a retroactive grant on the NFT drop functionality on VideoWiki. The project was voted positive in previous rounds but not funded. This is still completed and functional demos are given.
This is adaptable and applies to DATA NFTs also.
Part 1 - Proposal Submission
NFT Audience Airdrops for event attendees
Proposal in one sentence:
This proposal is to launch audience management in the platform with NFT airdrops, VC’s (verifiable credentials) and tokens for attendees
Description of the project and what problem is it solving: (You can give more details in “proposal details” section farther down.)
This particular grant request aims to launch a web3 event casting solution to market with audience management and NFT ticketing and airdrops features. This will allow crypto communities to give airdrops on any network through their own smart contracts. While converting their communities into NFT fanclubs.
The main aim of this micro project is to aim for further adoption in the crypto space while also incentivizing content creators and streamers to publish content on our marketplace.
VideoWiki as a project brings a decentralized approach to content ownership and sharing. It uses a customized Ocean marketplace to provide educators, researchers (content providers).
Grant Deliverables for R15:
- NFT / Token drops for CAST audiences and running one OCEAN community event
- Launching and promoting CAST as a live product with marketing
- Audience NFT drop feature to engage audiences and pilot with 2 community events within OCEAN community
**Which [Project Category:
- Build / improve applications or integrations to Ocean
Are you applying for an Earmark? Pick one.
- General
What is the final product?
VideoWiki comprises of products to create and exchange knowledge though digital mediums. Thus we have a product line-up of
1. Content - An AI assisted Video Content Creator
2. Class - A collaborative web conferencing solution
3. Cast - A scheduling and broadcasting solution for event casts
4. Creatives - A decentralized stock media marketplace with self-governed ownership of your creative assets. (In Development)
Cast: Our solution to run events or scheduled classes with audience invitations and reminders.
Here are possible “value add” criteria.
- Usage of Ocean —
VideoWiki as a project brings a decentralized approach to content ownership and sharing. It uses a customized Ocean marketplace to provide educators, researchers (content providers).
The content created using our advanced AI models can be published in an IP Protected manner on the blockchain using OCEAN Protocol. The publisher maintains the IP of the content in form of data tokens which are generated through the OCEAN Protocol.
As an OCEAN community project, it serves as a conduit to add and monetize media content in forms of Videos, Video Streams and Stock Media content.
Viability — what is the chance of success of the project
Based on previous successes in delivering the projects and initial successful tests, the chances and encouragement to further develop this project is very likely to bring the estimated results. Last grant has given us a fair POC with validations to bring a product to market with a commercial angle. The adoption is still a trickier thing to measure hence we are going with an 80% success probability that the project will get adoption. -
Community active-ness — how active is the team in the community
We attend townhalls and follow OCEAN’s progress on all channels. We do not have a dedicated social media team in our project to engage more vocally, but as we move from tech development to market launch things will open up more. -
Adding value to the overall community — how well does the outcome of the project add value to the Ocean community / ecosystem
We are working with various projects within the community to work with them. Also with premium accounts to all ocean projects.
Book yours now if you haven’t already.
Funding Requested: $20000
Proposal Wallet Address:
Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant? If yes, please specify what round(s) and how much was granted each round.
Round 2: 10000 Tokens - Data boarding and Ocean Marketplace integration on Video.Wiki
Round 5: 0 Tokens (Not Granted) - Worked on Class records to Market. Live at Class.Video.Wiki
Round 6: 18000 Tokens - Researched various streaming options to onboard to our marketplace. Build UI around the Casting flow and conducted successful pilot events. Private Beta live at CAST.Video.Wiki
Round 10: 0 Tokens (Not granted/Accepted) - applying again to launch Blockchain NFT ticketing with audience management
Round 11: 0 Tokens (Not Granted) - Worked on concept and UI, got traction from Ocean projects and also ETH SWARM as possible supporters
Round 13: 15627 Tokens - Working on Video DataUnion as a creative stock media marketplace for creatives
Round 14: 0 Tokens - Positive outcome of voting but tokens exhausted
Team Website (if applicable): Video.Wiki
Twitter Handle (if applicable): @VideoWiki_PT
Discord Handle (if applicable): @Cipher#3639
Project lead full name: Shivam Dhawan
Project lead email:
Country of Residence: Portugal
Part 2 - Team
Shivam Dhawan
Role: Co-Founder/CTO
Relevant Credentials:
BI Consulant and Analytics
Founder at GetBoarded
Web Analytics Manager at Metriplica (now Beablu)
BI Team Lead at Annalect (OMD)
Business Systems Analyst at MetLife
Web Analytics Application Developer & Consultant at Cognizat
Natalia Rheskava
Role: Co-Founder/CIO
Relevant Credentials:
PhD, Grygoriy Scovoroda University in Pereiaslav
Media Relations & International Medical Community (IMC) Lead
HundrED Ambassador
World Economic Forum Digital Member
Role: Market Research / Pricing
Relevant Credentials:
Master in Management, Aveiro University
Jyoti Sing
Role: User Experience Designer
Relevant Credentials:
Github: jyotising (Jyoti Sing) · GitHub
User Interface Designer at Pixocrafts
Part 3 - Proposal Details (*Recommended)
3.1 Details
Details of the proposal:
Working Screenshots:
Airdrop configuration
3.2 If in Category “Build / improve applications or integration to Ocean”:
App will be live at:
Cast.Video.Wiki (Private Beta Live) / Planned (Design)
Is the software open-source?: Y
**If open-source, please specify the license. If no, please specify why not open-source. **
Project software can be found at:
3.3 If in Category “Outreach / community”:
(Please fill in all that apply)
1 blog posts will be published at
A video production will be published at Alt Future - YouTube
(or other! Surprise us, delight us:)
3.4 If in Category “Unleash data”:
**Which Ocean-powered data market will data be published on? **
Here is the OCEAN marketplace data (select Ropsten Test Networks), Here is the platform Marketplace
We commit to working with Ocean core developers to merging the PR, following software quality best practices. YES
3.6 If in Category “Improvements to OceanDAO”:
We commit to collaborating closely with OceanDAO core team. YES
We commit to making publicly available any improved DAO tooling. YES
3.7 If the project includes software:
Are there any mockups or designs to date? If yes, please share details / links.
Our demos on how to use the platform are here: VideoWiki Demo in English - Google Drive
And here you can learn how to fork a video: Fork a Video on VideoWiki - YouTube
We also invite you to explore our entire page on YouTube, with explanatory videos:
Presentation: Filecoin Accelerator - Google Drive
**Please given an overview of the technology stack. **
VUE, REACT, Python, Django, RoR, WebRTMP, Node.js, AWS components.
3.9 Project Deliverables - Roadmap
Any prior work completed thus far? Details?
UI and frontend completed, smart contracts are written for a few chains.
What is the project roadmap? That is: what are key milestones, and the target date for each milestone. Please make sure that one milestone is about publishing your results, e.g. as a medium blog post.
Q1 2022 roadmap published here: Major goals for Q1 2022. 2021 saw a lot of feature development… | by Marta Matias | | Jan, 2022 | Medium
3.10 Additional Information
Any additional information to add? E.g. custom fields or images? E.g. other grants or fundraising to date?
We recently signed agreement with ETH SWARM team and provided 10 premium accounts to test VideoWiki. They are evaluating the platform for their upcoming WeAreMillions hackathon. This grant will enable us to fine tune some of the features which will enable a smoother web3 experience for audience.