Stories_of_ai Community outreach to minority AI teams beyond web3 to create awareness of how to monetize data sets and decentralized AI projects to Ocean market | Stories_of_ai | Round 21

Project Name

Stories_of_ai Community outreach to minority AI teams beyond web3 to create awareness of how to monetize data sets and decentralized AI projects to Ocean market

Project Category


Proposal Earmark

New Outreach

Proposal Description

Today, the majority of AI development is developed by a homogenous group of people and either controlled by large tech companies or western ivy league universities. Without diversity and incentives beyond maximizing profits, comes a lack of empathy and imagination for the needs of society at large. Also, AI companies heavily overrely on datasets of data-rich countries and this biased data training has led to the discrimination for the rest of world.

We propose engagement to diverse AI communities. However, even technically literate people and their communities within AI do not yet know how to sell their data easily or how to monetize their AI models.

We like to change this.

We are proposing a new outreach project for diverse AI communities about Ocean market. We envision a world where AI models are being co-developed and that communities will receive returns for their data. Communities need the ability to co-design, contribute data and get remunerated.

About stories_of_ai

stories_of_ai codesigns decentralized AI projects with communities. One story at a time. Our vision is a world of true data equality and decentralization of AI development that is grounded in human cooperation, sustainability and DEI.

We co-design pluralistic strategies of how to develop decentralized AI organizations. We believe that bringing together diverse communities within web3 and beyond will be mutually beneficial to AI development and Ocean community.

Grant Deliverables

  1. Content creation: User friendly 4x 4min video tutorials and short blog posts
  2. Overview of Ocean,
  3. Ocean Academy and courses: Ocean 101,
  4. “How to upload data on Ocean with less gas fees”
  5. “Why and how to use compute over data on Ocean”
  6. Shortlist 10 groups and engage e.g. Women in AI, Black in AI, DAIR and youth groups in AI.
  7. Share tutorials and blogs with communities and/or host 20min online sessions with groups.
  8. Engage with 5 groups
  9. Conduct qualitative user research on “barriers to selling data and algorithms” and “community approach on selling data”.
  10. Engage with communities on twitter, discord and telegram.

Project Description

Today, the majority of AI development is developed by a homogenous group of people and either controlled by large tech companies or western ivy league universities. Without diversity and incentives beyond maximizing profits, comes a lack of empathy and imagination for the needs of society at large. Also, AI companies heavily overrely on datasets of data-rich countries and this biased data training has led to the discrimination for the rest of world.

Our vision is a world with data equality and the decentralization of AI development that is grounded in human cooperation, sustainability and DEI. However, even technically literate people and their communities within AI are unaware of how to sell their data easily or how to monetize their AI models.

We like to change this.

We are proposing a new outreach project for diverse AI communities about Ocean market.

We envision co-development of AI models and that communities will receive returns for their data. Communities need the ability to co-design, get transparency, contribute data and get remunerated.

About Stories_of_ai

Stories_of_ai co-designs decentralized AI projects with communities. One story at a time. Our vision is a world with data equality and the decentralization of AI development that is grounded in human cooperation, sustainability and DEI.

We co-design pluralistic strategies of how to develop decentralized AI organizations. We believe that bringing together diverse communities within web3 and beyond will be mutually beneficial to AI development.

Project proposal

Stories_of_ai is applying for funding to research barriers to data selling and drive outreach on how communities could sell their datasets and algorithms within Ocean market. We will focus on diverse AI communities such as women, black, gender and youth in AI.

Final Product

New outreach campaign

There is a surprising lack of user friendly tutorials and guidance in how to sell data on Ocean market. This new outreach campaign will contain the following:

  1. Content creation: User friendly 4x 4min video tutorials on and short blog posts
  2. Overview of Ocean,
  3. Ocean Academy and courses: Ocean 101,
  4. “How to upload data on Ocean with less gas fees”
  5. “Why and how to use compute over data on Ocean”
  6. Shortlist 10 groups and engage e.g. Women in AI, Black in AI, DAIR and youth groups in AI.
  7. Share tutorials and blogs with communities and/or host 20min online sessions with groups.
  8. Engage with 5 groups
  9. Conduct qualitative user research on “barriers to selling data and algorithms” and “community approach on selling data”.
  10. Engage with communities on twitter, discord and telegram.

Value Add Criteria

We believe that AI can solve humanity’s biggest obstacles, however AI communities need to be aware of how to collect and share meaningful data to train AI models. This new outreach proposal will drive forward the engagement of Ocean market.

a. Usage of Ocean

This project will drive awareness about data monetization strategies of Ocean market to diverse AI communities beyond web3.

  • Outreach
  • Content creation for education
  • Simple Guides
  • Community discussions

b. Viability — what is the chance of success of the project?

Silentspring30 is a design-led AI product manager with over 10 years of experience in product development, community engagement and is currently a fastai student. Silentspring30 leads stories_for_ai, a squad of Algovera and has received one grant for development work of a Decentralized AI DAO framework.

She previously led tido London a product development group based data ownership which was based on Solid (socially linked data). Solid allows the storage of data in personal data pods [].

c. Community active-ness — how active is the team in the community?

Stories_of_ai is actively looking for a purpose to be active in the Ocean community and to contribute with research and community engagement beyond web3.

d. Adding value to the community — how well does the outcome of the project add value to the overall Ocean community / ecosystem?

We believe that increased awareness, research and user-friendly tutorial content will create added value to the Ocean community.

Value Add Criteria

We believe that AI can solve humanity's biggest obstacles, however communities need to be aware of how to collect, share meaningful data to train AI models. This new outreach proposal will drive forward awareness for co-designing data collection and how to leverage Ocean market.

a. Usage of Ocean

This project will drive awareness about data monetization strategies of Ocean market to diverse AI communities beyond web3.

  • Outreach
  • Content creation for education
  • Simple Guides
  • Community discussions

b. Viability — what is the chance of success of the project?

Silentspring30 is a design-led AI product manager with over 10 years of experience in product development, community engagement and is currently a fastai student. Silentspring30 leads stories_for_ai, a squad of Algovera and has received one grant for development work of a Decentralized AI DAO framework. 

She previously led tido London a product development group based on technology standard called Solid [socially linked data]. Solid allows the storage of data in personal data pods [].

c. Community active-ness — how active is the team in the community?

Stories_of_ai is actively looking for a purpose to be active in the Ocean community and to contribute with research and community engagement beyond web3.

  1. d. Adding value to the community — how well does the outcome of the project add value to the overall Ocean community / ecosystem?

We believe that increased awareness, research and tutorial content will create added value to the Ocean community.

Core Team


  • Role: Product manager and Design Thinking lead
  • Relevant credentials (e.g.):
  • Silentspring30 is a design-led product manager with over 10 years of experience in product development, community engagement and 3 years in AI product development.
  • Silentspring30 leads stories_for_ai, a squad of Algovera [] and has received one grant for the development work of a Decentralized AI DAO framework.
  • Decentralized AI DAO framework
  • Background/Experience:
  • FastAI 2022 student - current
  • Product Director at EvolutionAI, Financial Document extraction AI solution
  • Head of Product APtimise, Accounts payable Invoice AI solution
  • Product Manager Expedia
  • MBA Sustainability Management, Presidio Graduate School San Francisco
  • MSc New Media, Information systems and Society, London School of Economics
  • BSc Computer Science, University of Westminster


Richard Blythman

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address


This project seems to violate civil rights laws, insofar as it targets individuals or groups on the basis of immutable characteristics such as race, nationality, gender. It also seems like a bad use of money for “outreach”, whereas good products don’t need outreach, because they typically go viral on their own.

This is a good conversation to have.
Do you not think that personalized AI models (e.g. like Emad of Stable Diffusion fame often mentions) will necessarily need to take factors like these into account? Why not a personalized Alexa for women, or for Irish people? What about a project that aims to incorporate a certain type of wisdom or knowledge (e.g. of Indian farmers, or native Americans) into intelligent models?

The outreach here is a conversation with a particular group to co-design and mitigate biases within AI development, in particular how to sell data safely. The aim is not to design a AI system '“for” a group of people e.g. women. Society is diverse and this should be represented in the data and hence algorithm. For example, Alexa understands male, American accents much easier than female voices or children. Other algorithms have difficulty recognizing female faces with dark hair, again due to a lack of training data. My future goal is to integrate ethics into the development process of AI so that data bias is 1)recognized and 2) mitigated and 3) removed. For that we need to understand how communities could/would sell their data safely so that AI models can be trained with data, that represents society.

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Project submitted deliverables:


Ocean deliverables Round 21

Stories of AI Outreach

-< Learning about the Data Economy, data selling, decentralized Finance, DeFi at Ocean Academy for free. - Silentspring30 - Medium>

  • [x] 4 “Why and how to use compute over data on Ocean” url:


  • [X] Shortlist 10 groups and engage e.g. Women in AI, Black in AI, DAIR and youth groups in AI.


  • [ ] Engage with 5 groups. I only engaged with some AI individuals. However their feedback was very skeptical, there seems to be a lot of caution from the AI community towards web3. This needs to be researched further. By reading the tweets and blogs, there seems to be a lot of mistrusts towards web3, silicon valley and long term altruism.

  • [ ] Share tutorials and blogs with communities and/or host 20min online sessions with groups.

  • Not yet, due to the reasons above I was slightly hesitant how to approach them.

  • [ ] I have not shared the blogs with communities yet or have been able to host 20min session with them.

  • Not yet, due to the reasons above I was slightly hesitant how to approach them.

  • [X] Conduct qualitative user research on “barriers to selling data and algorithms” and “community approach on selling data”.

  • I conducted 3 user interviews 1:1, with general people and AI experts. Everyday people seemed not to concerned about their data, they used: Google Home, Shazaam, Amazon and Google documents and it didn’t occur to them yet that they could sell their data and get remunerated for it.

  • AI experts were open to the idea of data selling but didn’t trust blockchain/web3.

  • [ ] Engage with communities on twitter, discord and telegram. F

  • For the above reasons I was slightly hesitant.

Value Add Criteria

We believe that AI can solve humanity’s biggest obstacles, however communities need to be aware of how to collect, share meaningful data to train AI models. This new outreach proposal will drive forward awareness for co-designing data collection and how to leverage Ocean market.

a. Usage of Ocean

This project will drive awareness about data monetization strategies of Ocean market to diverse AI communities beyond web3.


Content creation for education

Simple Guides

Community discussions

b. Viability — what is the chance of success of the project?

Silentspring30 is a design-led AI product manager with over 10 years of experience in product development, community engagement and is currently a fastai student. Silentspring30 leads stories_for_ai, a squad of Algovera and has received one grant for development work of a Decentralized AI DAO framework.

She previously led tido London a product development group based on technology standard called Solid [socially linked data]. Solid allows the storage of data in personal data pods [].

c. Community active-ness — how active is the team in the community?

Stories_of_ai is actively looking for a purpose to be active in the Ocean community and to contribute with research and community engagement beyond web3.

d. Adding value to the community — how well does the outcome of the project add value to the overall Ocean community / ecosystem?

We believe that increased awareness, research and tutorial content will create added value to the Ocean community.

Hi @silentspring30 I’m just reviewing your deliverables before accepting them and they seem a bit light. Is there anything else you want to share, perhaps specifying where most of the work went?

@richardblythman could you perhaps review the submission and provide some feedback?

Thank you


Thank you for providing an update and a reconciliation to your proposal silentspring. This provides us with more intuition as to your deliverables, challenges you might have had, and how you are planning to move forward. I’ll be accepting your deliverables now that you have reconciled the difference, and am looking forward to your next proposal. I look forward to see your next proposal. Thank you!