[Round 15] DAO Contributor Health Assessment Development

Name of Project:

DAO Contributor Health Assessment Development

Proposal in one sentence:

TalentDAO will develop a scientifically validated survey tool for measuring the psychological factors of DAO contributors that lead to a healthy organization while enabling the sharing of this data in a secure way via the OCEAN protocol.

Description of the project and what problem is it solving:

DAOs want to conduct surveys to better understand contributors in their communities. Surveys are by nature a scientific tool. As of today, no scientifically validated survey exists for studying organizational health in the context of DAO contributors. Scientifically validating a contributor health survey offers benefits to DAOs. Namely, the accurate and reliable measure of psychological factors that predict organizational behaviors related to leadership, engagement, productivity, churn, and governance decisions.

With its depth of expertise in psychometrics and the organizational sciences, talentDAO will design and validate a DAO contributor health assessment. Additionally, talentDAO will conduct this survey on a yearly basis and will encourage DAO contributors from across the ecosystem to participate. Data from each year’s survey will be listed on the OCEAN marketplace for DAOs to acquire and talentDAO will publish a yearly report on contributor health in an effort to keep the DAO ecosystem informed on the psychological factors of contribution.

Hosting survey results on a data marketplace is not something traditional organizations are willing or capable of doing because of privacy concerns and regulations such as GDPR. However, using OCEAN protocol’s fine-grained permissions and compute-to-data, this problem should be subverted. Survey data that was once a private commodity to research organizations is now a publicly listed asset on the OCEAN marketplace.

Grant Deliverables:

  • Literature Review write up
  • Pre-validated contributor health survey

Which Project Category

  • Unleash Data / Community

Are you applying for an Earmark?

  • New Project

What is the final product?

This project will ultimately result in a scientifically validated survey tool for DAOs to measure the psychological factors of contribution. TalentDAO is committed to delivering a write-up of the literature review as well as an empirically driven pre-validated survey that can be utilized by OceanDAO and other DAOs while the full validation study is being conducted.

Question on “value add” criteria: which one or more of the criteria will your project focus on? Why do you believe your team will do well on those criteria?

Usage of Ocean: Survey data on the OCEAN marketplace should be highly valuable to researchers and other DAOs who normally cannot get access to these data, attracting them to the marketplace. Further, survey data will be published on OCEAN each year, making this a recurring event that will ideally grow in participation over time.

Viability: High chance of success. We are a team of organizational scientists and researchers with experience working with psychometrics. However, technical details of the survey system and its interface with OCEAN are still being worked out and may require additional development resources.

Adding value to the OCEAN ecosystem: We invite OceanDAO to be a participant in the survey validation research. As a result, talentDAO will provide tailored insights into the psychological factors of contribution within OceanDAO.

Funding Requested:

$3000 usd

Proposal Wallet Address:


Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant? If yes, please specify what round(s) and how much was granted each round.


Team Website (if applicable):

Twitter Handle (if applicable):


Discord Handle (if applicable):


Project lead full name:

Kenneth Francis

Project lead email:


Country of Residence:

United States

Part 2 - Team

2.1 Core Team

This scientific work will be conducted and authored by Kenneth Francis, Nemo, Sherif al-Qallawi, and Saulthorin. The necessary tasks towards the completion of the project will be a combined effort of the talentDAO community.

Kenneth Francis

  • Role: Principal Investigator
  • Creds:
  • Exp:
    • People Analytics @ SpaceX [current]
    • Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology @ Brooklyn College [adjunct]
    • 4 years designing, implementing, and maintaining people technology tools for organizations
    • 3 years designing, implementing, and analyzing psychometric surveys for organizations

Sherif al-Qallawi

  • Role: Researcher, Co-author
  • Creds:
  • Exp:
    • Talent Management Analytics @ Mercedes-Benz [current]
    • Ph.D. candidate, Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    • Post-graduate diploma, Human Resource Management
    • 4 years consulting experience focused on survey projects
    • 6 years experience in international/cross-culture people operations


  • Role: Researcher, Co-author
  • Exp:
    • People Scientist / Researcher
    • Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    • Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    • 10 years consulting and applied research experience related to organizational science and talent measurement


  • Role: Advisor, Co-author, Product Manager
  • Creds:
  • Exp:
    • People Analytics @ Deloitte Consulting [former]
    • Ph.D.Candidate, Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    • 10 years consulting experience focused on complex human systems

Part 3 - Proposal Details

3.1 Details

Project Overview:

Validating a DAO contributor health survey is an important step in ensuring survey research conducted within decentralized autonomous organizations reflects the reliable and accurate measurement of their contributors’ health. The talentDAO research guild, with our experience in psychometrics and organizational science, will conduct the validation research necessary to produce such a survey.

A validated contributor health survey will capture psychological factors that predict organizational behaviors related to leadership, engagement, productivity, churn, and governance decisions, among others. The validation research process is as follows:

  1. Literature review
  2. Empirically driven survey design [pre-validated]
  3. Survey deployment and data collection [from other DAOs]
  4. Statistical Modeling / Item reduction
  5. Research paper write-up
  6. Community peer-review
  7. Publication in the Journal of Decentralized Work

For this grant, talentDAO is committed to delivering items 1 and 2 of this process. Ideally, further grants can be applied for at a later date to continue funding this research. However, talentDAO intends to complete this research with or without continued grant funding.

If OceanDAO would like to be a participant in the validation study, talentDAO will still provide tailored insights for OceanDAO based on their results with or without further funding.

Ultimately, the research will produce a validated DAO contributor health survey that will be made open source for DAOs to utilize.

Further, talentDAO will publish a yearly report of findings using this survey with participating DAOs. This report will be made public and the data from survey results will be listed on the OCEAN marketplace with a profit-sharing mechanism for participating DAOs each year.

Because this will be part of ongoing work from talentDAO with data listed on the OCEAN Marketplace, there is an incentive for talentDAO to build upon this project to continue adding value to the OCEAN protocol. We intend to build out increased compute-to-data functionality over time on these datasets and ultimately, a Web3 native survey system for taking the assessment and receiving results in a secure and decentralized way.

TalentDAO’s goal with this project is to empower the DAO ecosystem with better assessment technology so DAOs can make more informed decisions about their people and ultimately build a more sustainable, thriving ecosystem of DAOs.

3.9 Project Deliverables - Roadmap

Any prior work completed thus far? Details?


What is the project roadmap? That is: what are key milestones, and the target date for each milestone. Please make sure that one milestone is about publishing your results, e.g. as a medium blog post.

[This proposal]

  • Phase 1: 35 days
    • Literature review
    • Empirically driven survey design [pre-validated]
      [Future work]
  • Phase 2: 20-40 days
    • Survey deployment and data collection [from other DAOs]
    • Statistical Modeling / Item reduction
    • Validated Survey produced
  • Phase 3: 45 days
    • Research paper write-up
  • Phase 4: TBD
    • Community peer-review
    • Publication in the Journal of Decentralized Work
  • Phase 5: Ongoing
    • Yearly report
    • Continuous work

What are the team’s future plans and intentions? Is there maintenance? Possible extensions to the work?

  • talentDAO intends to keep the final product open source with a GitHub repo for accessing the survey
  • A yearly report to be produced using this survey with participating DAOs
  • Data will be listed on the OCEAN marketplace with profit-sharing
  • Future work to be done to build upon compute-to-data functionality
  • Future work to be done to build a more comprehensive Web3 native survey system for this process
  • Future opportunity for Data-NFT integrations
  • Future opportunity to integrate into the Decentralized Science (DeSci) ecosystem infrastructure
  • Potential extension to include streaming data API

Hi @talentDAO, thank you for your proposal for R15. It has now been registered and accepted.

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Hi @talentDAO ,
Thank you for submitting your proposal for R-N!

I am a Project Guiding Member and have assigned myself to help you.

I have reviewed your proposal and would like to thank you for your participation inside of the Ocean Ecosystem! Your project looks promising and I believe it’s aligned with our evaluation criteria of generating positive value towards the Ocean Ecosystem and the W3SL

Your roadmap is well structured and explains the flow properly. As far as the technical detailing goes, you can always reach out to any of the Ocean community members(on Discord) for collaborating and helping the project deliverable’s. We are excited to see OceanDAO as a participant in the survey and looking forward to reading the assessment report for OceanDAO.

Based on the reasons above, I am in support of your project and proposal. I look forward to continuing providing support and feedback to your project.

All the best!
-Trishul, PGWG Guide

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I’m excited about this project. It’s like a Gallup survey for gauging the health of a DAO. The data collected could be very valuable for evaluating DAO designs.

Hi Trishul,

Thank you for the support! We are hard at work on this, but curious if there are any other steps we should be taking here to ensure proper processing on your end. Would also be happy to set up a touch base if that is something you and/or the team are interested in.



Replying because we would like to submit updates on deliverables on this project to ensure good standing for a planned round 18 submission. However, the wallet used to collect funds is our DAO treasury wallet and cant be used to sign into seed.oceandao

The addressed used to collect funds was: 0x0406Bf2dAE6A42d567b4e3DbA6ADA99069622fF1

It is probably best to used my own wallet (project lead) as I am the one making submissions: k3nn.eth

I had submitted an early version of our proposal to seed.oceandao, but ran into some bugs so had to submit here. Thanks!

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Project submitted deliverables:

Write up and open sourcing of the DAO Health survey.

Mirror post: Developing the DAO Health Survey: an open-source tool for web3 o… — k3nn.eth

Github repo: GitHub - talentDAO/DAOHealth

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Thank you for submitting another update for your previous proposal!

Your Grant Deliverables have been reviewed and look to be in good condition. We have also looked at your Project Standing, it looks to be in good condition and ready to apply for another grant.

We would like to thank you for your positive contributions to the Ocean Ecosystem and look forward to reviewing future proposals from your project.

Thx & All the best!
Your OceanDAO Team