[R14 New Outreach] The stock market of climate risk and synthetic real estate

Grant Category & Funding Request:

| Category | % of Total |

[Unleash Data] - 40%

[Outreach] |- 60%

[Total Funding] - $3,000 (first month)

##Are you applying for an [Earmark ]

(https://github.com/oceanprotocol/oceandao/wiki#earmark-categories)? Pick one.

  • New Project

Proposal in 1 Sentence:

The stock market of future climate risk and synthetic real estate

Description, what problem is it meant to solve:

  • Climate Change is the biggest threat to humanity.
  • People are taking on enormous debt for properties.
  • Humans cannot yet “invest” in synthetic real estate or climate risk

[Unleash Data]

We are building a stock exchange or exchange platform for future real estate and climate assets. Prediction markets have been shown to outperform other forecasting mechanisms in a wide range of contexts — from predicting election outcomes and economic trends to guessing Oscar winners. Against this background, recent scholarship argues that prediction markets could predict future temperature levels and help resolve the debate over whether global warming is really a problem. Going one step further, this Article explores the potential of conditional prediction markets to forecast the effectiveness of competing climate policy proposals and to assist policymakers with their selection, design, and implementatio.


There is a large supply side for CO2 reduction: lots of technology to reduce the impact of transport, energy, etc. But on the demand side, there are few initiatives (e.g., the Paris Agreement) or tiny programs to reduce CO2 ($100 million in a country with a $100 billion energy market = 0.1%, a joke). If we bring the future market into now, we have the opportunity to influence the market and decision makers to green solutions.

Grant Deliverables:

  • First MVP in 3 Month

Final Product:

We identifying cities that will be screwed in 30 years due to climate, then make it easy for people to speculate on housing prices.

It is a Platform to buy and sell tokens representing shares in a synthetic future real estate market and climate scenario market, so they gain access to a $326.5 trillion asset class previously unavailable to the public.

Value Added:

Short Citites will attract new users to web3 and the Ocean platform by effectively educating about the monetization of personal data while serving as a platform to help people make important decisions about where to live.


Cities and TLV

Wallet Address:

Project Members:

Role: Project Founder

Name: Malte

Background: Tech Founder and good in growth and business. Running my own companies for 9 years now.

Location: Berlin and Lisbon.

Email: malte@joshwagenbach.com

LinkedIn 1

Role: CTO

Name: Christian

Background: Software Engineering (Developed the Polymarket Platform)

Location: remote

Previous Grants:

We have not received any grants for this project.

Which Ocean-powered data market will data be published on?

Short Term ( 1- 3 months ):

Short Cities will publish data assets directly onto the Ocean Marketplace to encourage web3 onboarding among our core community.

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Hi there, thanks for submitting this proposal.

I’m wondering if This was intended to be posted for Round 15?

if so, I can help you move the submission to the right category.

Thank you!

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I moved it to R15. Thank you.