OceanTel - Decentralized Caller ID

Name of Project: OceanTel

Proposal in one sentence: A decentralized caller ID app built with Ocean Protocol

Description of the project and what problem is it solving: Centralized apps like truecaller help us get the owner of unknown mobile numbers. They do it by collecting contacts of people who have there apps installed, and then the apps serves the information to the one who requires this information. But, in this case the data published gets no benefit as well as the collected data gets shared with everyone hence tampering privacy.

Grant Deliverables: (Provide us with a check-boxed list of deliverables for the funding provided.)

[x] Creating a Flutter plugin for Ocean Network
[x] Wireframing the entire mobile application
[x] Developing the cross platform application on Flutter
[x] Deploying the application

Which category best describes your project? Pick one.

  • Build / improve applications or integrations to Ocean

Which Fundamental Metric best describes your project? Pick one.

  • Data Consume Volume

What is the final product?:

The final product would be a mobile application that can fetch the caller ID of an incoming call and automatically block spam calls. The application would also reveal the identity of the business or organization that is trying to reach the user.

Funding Requested: (Amount of USD your team is requesting - Round 8 Max @ $11,000)

PLEASE NOTE: The amount requested is in USD, but the amount paid is in OCEAN token. The conversion rate is the market price on the given Round’s Proposal Due By Deadline. This determines how many OCEAN will be awarded if a proposal is voted to receive a grant.

Proposal Wallet Address: 0x37Cf062F8a1ffF1169002C39ff816f8E331123bd

Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant : No.

Project lead Contact Email: akbarnawas7@gmail.com

Country of Residence: India

  • Me and my team surveyed 15 users to know if they’d consider using a decentralized alternative of truecaller. 12 of the answers were an absolute yes and 3 of them were good with truecaller.

  • Duration : We will be completing the project and deploy it within the next 30 days.

Team members

For each team member, give their name, role and background such as the following.

Akbar Nawas

  • Role: Blockchain dev [Experience with DAO, IPFS, NFTs, Ethereum, Solidity etc.,]


  • Role: Blockchain and Flutter developer

Additional Comment : We are comparatively new to OCEAN PROTOCOL but we are really impressed and are looking forward to try implementing OceanTel. We are confident about completing OceanTel , please feel free to raise your questions in the thread.

Hi OceanTel team, I thought I’d let you know that you need a minimum of 500 Ocean inside the 0x Wallet you provided, BEFORE voting ends.

If you do not have the minimum Ocean provided by then, you will not be eligible to receive a grant.

Please review the wiki’s criteria for eligibility.

Thank you!

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I assume they are eligible now, :stuck_out_tongue:
What data goes to OCEAN and will that not be PII? Is this adhering with the guidelines and data policies?

I am not really convinced right away as I see a lot of personal information involved here and the process how this is being secured remains unclear to me. If you could elaborate a bit on the process that would be welcome.