Ocean Protocol Turkey Community

Part 1 - Proposal Submission

Name of Project:

Ocean Procol Turkey Community

Proposal in one sentence:

Promote, manage, and establish the adaptation of Ocean protocol, (Telegram-Twitter etc.) in Turkey and promote the Ocean Protocol’s Adoption by Turkish Investors, Developers and Organizations.

Description of the project and what problem is it solving:

We were the first youtube channel to review Ocean Protocol to the Turkish community on youtube.com/kriptoturkiye 10 months ago.

We will aim to encourage the participation of the Turkish community in the project by translating all official Ocean Protocol announcements and articles into Turkish.

In addition, our goals will be creating an “Ocean Protocol Turkey” Twitter account, the continuity of the existing Ocean Protocol Turkey telegram account, which has over 800 people. We will also promote Ocean protocol and via our telegram, tweeter and youtube channels with over 10.000 followers in total.

Statistically, Turkey ranks as one of the first countries most interested in crypto in the world. Our primary missions will ensure that the Turkish community truly understands a project like Ocean Protocol and the impact of web 3.0 technology in the digital world. Not only investors but also to create awareness within the Turkish developer’s community.

Grant Deliverables:

Apart from creating and promoting social media channels, you can get paid promotions, giveaways, events, reviews, advertisements, etc. We will use it. We will work closely with Turkish social media influencers to request it.

Which category best describes your project?

Outreach / community / spread awareness

Which Fundamental Metric best describes your project?

Market WAU (Weekly market participants in Ocean Market or across all data markets)

What is the final product?:

1-Ocean Protocol does not have a Twitter community yet. We’ll start this first.

2- To take over the Turkish telegram community and organize events, raffles, etc. With the budget, we get we will manage and increase activity and participation.

3- There are dozens of influencers that we are already in association with. Again, with the budget we are hoping to receive, we will reach a significant number of crypto communities, investors and developers. In this way, promoting the project will not be limited only to our community.

4- We will regularly produce Ocean protocol updated reviews on our Theta Tv and Youtube channels with our professional and experienced content creation team.

5- The contents and announcements shared by Ocean Protocol will be translated into Turkish and shared with the community instantly.

All tasks above-mentioned require financing.

  • Bang (Value Added) : 5000$
  • Buck (Grant) : 3000$
  • % Chance of Success : 80%
  • Total(ROI) = 1,33

Note: Bang (Value Added) is measured with the following formula: (Telegram Followers + Twitter Followers + Video Viewing)/3*0.80

Funding Requested: 3000$

Proposal Wallet Address: 0x6305B950c99C64786492C52066cc797E9AA2C115

Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant (Y/N)? ‘No’

Twitter Handle (if applicable): https://twitter.com/KriptoTurkiye81

Project lead Contact Email: krptoturkiye81@gmail.com

Country of Residence: Turkey

Part 2 - Team

Core Team

Bülent BAS



Part 3 - Proposal Details

Project Deliverables - Category:

  • Promote, manage, and establish the adaptation of Ocean protocol, (Telegram-Twitter etc.) in Turkey and promote the Ocean Protocol’s Adoption by Turkish Investors, Developers and Organizations.

Project Deliverables - Roadmap

  • To raise awareness until it reaches a community of sufficient size with continuous activities from different social media channels. Again we constantly promote Ocean Protocol various influencers social media channels with paid promotions, giveaways, events, reviews, ads, etc.
  • We aim to grow the Ocean Turkey community up to 15% every month.
  • Specializing in Web 3.0 and transferring technology to all followers by simplifying and achieving this with the Turkish community.
  • We are planning to remake our previously published Ocean Protocol youtube video for the Turkish Community with our current quality and English language option.

Related Video:
What is Ocean Protocol? Ocean Protocol Token Crypto Project review

Our Current Review Quality(Sample Video):
UniCred Crypto Review



please see round funding limits. as first time project the limit is 3000$ USD. you can unlock more as you grow.

please update to 3000$

Ok, I did the update 3000$. Thank you.

[Deliverable Checklist]

  • [x] Ocean protocol telegram group taken over. ( Completed )

  • [x] There were too many ghost accounts, bots and fake accounts in the group. We extracted them one by one and deleted them from the group. ( Completed )

  • [x] We dedicate two full-time admins to the Telegram group. The education process of these people on ocean protocol is currently ongoing. ( Completed )

  • [x] All the ocean protocol global group announcements were translated into Turkish without exception and started to be broadcast in the Turkish group. ( Completed )

  • [x] Additional dedicated team of 5 people was dedicated to the projectand they have started to work now. ( Completed )

  • [x] 4 professional teasers were made for upcoming events. ( Completed )

Trailer 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMJVA8iomjA

Trailer 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze0ce5u3tvU

Trailer 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o7dVUhXEgs

Trailer 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqVGNQ0CDfM

  • [x] A medium article was prepared and published, describing the ocean protocol in a short and simple way. ( Completed )

A Brief Overview Ocean Protocol (Turkish)

  • [x] Second medium article has been prepared and published, describing the ocean protocol in more detail but in a simpler way. ( Completed )

Detailed Review Ocean Protocol (Turkish)

  • [x] Work has started for the first two ocean protocol youtube content episodes. ( In progress )


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