Ocean Protocol Official YouTube Videos Subtitles

Part 1 - Proposal Submission

Name of Project: Transcription of the Official YouTube Channel Videos

Proposal in one sentence: Transcription and review of the 47 official Ocean Protocol YouTube channel videos and every new video uploaded until 31 December 2021.

Description of the project and what problem is it solving: Subtitles are important for better understanding the content of the videos and offer greater accessibility.

Grant Deliverables:

.SBV text files uploaded here (Google Drive) for the videos:

Completed work marked with x

P.S. The forum has a limit of 50 links max per post.

Work Procedure:

  • Transcription by me and @George0x
  • Review of each others work.
  • Re-watch the videos in final format for potential mistakes.

Which category best describes your project? Pick one.

  • [x] Outreach / community / spread awareness

Which Fundamental Metric best describes your project? Pick one.

  • [x] $ Proposed / $ Funded (Your project helps generate, and fund more proposals)

With the transcription available in English it opens the door for translation to more languages.

According to information from SocialBlade the official Ocean Protocol YouTube channel has an average of 1925 views per month during the last 12 months (October 2020 - September 2021).

We believe that can be increased by a factor of 2. In order to find the monthly average in views increase we should measure it against the next 12 months.

How we priced:

Video Hours: ~18
Words / Hour: ~8000 words.
A total of ~144000 words.
~144000 words * $0.14 = $20160

Upcoming videos until 31 December 2021 are included in the word pricing. So no extra funding required.


Bang: 23100 (1925 views * 12 months) / Buck: $20000 * 100% = x1.15

Funding Requested: $20000

Proposal Wallet Address: 0x6d1ff3f2bb14621ba4e6e48e7d4e8e075461d265

Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant (Y/N)? N

Twitter Handle (if applicable): https://twitter.com/adalgiso_bar

Discord Handle (if applicable): Adalgiso#7822

Project lead Contact Email: adlgisobarese@yahoo.com

Country of Residence: USA

Part 2 - Team

Core Team

Adalgiso Barese

George Gotye

  • Role: Transcriber, Reviewer
  • Relevant Credentials:
  • Background/Experience:
    • Transcriber at AppTek (March 2017 - April 2020)
    • DeFi Yield Farmer :slight_smile:

Part 3 - Proposal Details

Project Deliverables - Category:

Project Deliverables - Roadmap

  • What is the project roadmap?

47 reviewed subtitles will be published by October 31, 2021. New videos uploaded will be transcribed as soon as possible after upload. All of the new videos uploaded would have their subtitles ready by 31 December, 2021.

  • Please include the team’s future plans and intentions.

We expect feedback and we will update the subtitles if mistakes are found. We have marked inaudible audio with the following tag: [INAUDIBLE].

EDIT: In order to address pricing concerns that we received from the community, we are vouching in good faith to transcribe the podcasts of the Voices of the Data Economy episodes (14 episodes * ~40 minutes) and upload them in video format to a new YouTube channel. In addition we are going to transcribe future episodes of the podcasts until 12/31/2021.


I found your proposal interesting as video subtitle transcription is a task that has quite some liquidity and price action online. I saw that you want 20k USD for transcribing 47 videos. So I found it interesting to do some napkin math regarding pricing.

Assuming that each of those 47 videos runs for 60 minutes, the first offer I found on fiverr translates 30mins for roughly 36 EUR (=USD).

So in that case, the fiverr person would take roughly 5640 USD to transcribe all 47 videos at 1h. I’m now wondering why you’re pricing your subtitles at a markup of roughly 4x. Please let me know.

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This proposal is under construction. I will update for pricing details, ROI and our profiles.

But to address some of your concerns:

Our pricing is based on $/word. Taking into account that two people are working on this for transcription and review. Also there is a final view of the videos in order to make sure quality is top notch.

This proposal will include transcription and review of all the new videos uploaded on the official Ocean Protocol until the 31st of December, 2021

The second parameter to take into account is that we are both highly proficient in technology, cryptocurrency, and economics terminology.

Lastly we will be here in case we get feedback (corrections, some INAUDIBLE parts of the videos).



Why do you choose this pricing model? I’ve clicked a few more offers on Fiverr and they all use $/min of video or audio. $/word sounds somewhat odd as I don’t think there’ll be much variance in the velocity of people speaking in English (but I’m just speculating).

My linked fiverr profile had a 5 star rating out of 38 paid customers. So arguably they’re provable top-notch quality too.

Good. Those are distinguishing value propositions.

I added pricing and ROI. Could you check the proposal again? Thanks for the feedback.

I would have the same questions as @TimDaub . With the costs proposed in your project, one would rather develop a voice to text recognition for those videos and an auto subtitle transcription.

You make an argument that ROI is greater than amount raised, but the problem that I see here is that someone could make the same proposal for 4x less dollars, send the videos to a fiverr account and pay to get them transcribed.

Wouldn’t that also be more cost effective for you too?

One could do that. I doubt the result will be the same though.

I think we have already established that these videos are technical in nature. If you think this can be done through Fiver be my guest and do it.

You can vote against it if you don’t agree with the proposed ROI.

P.S. The forum has a limit of 50 links max per post. updated to 100

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I’ve also done some due diligence and believe the pricing model should be revisited.

Possibly there are other deliverables that could drive additional network value ?

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We are open to suggestions. The transcription for the ~18 hours of video is not the only service provided. Future videos up until December are included as well.

We uploaded some of our work here. In our opinion the Ocean Protocol videos are highly technical in nature. We have experience in the relevant terminology.

Respectfully, Adalgiso.

Proposal updated as of 10/06/2021

EDIT: In order to address pricing concerns that we received from the community, we are vouching in good faith to transcribe the podcasts of the Voices of the Data Economy episodes (14 episodes * ~40 minutes) and upload them in video format to a new YouTube channel. In addition we are going to transcribe future episodes of the podcasts until 12/31/2021.

I think a more modest “Ask” of $2-5k as a first proposal is better. I will downvote and ask that you resubmit next month. Deliver for the community, build trust, then come back for more the next month.

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