Ocean Missions - Building on-ramps for Web3 data asset buyers & sellers to Ocean Protocol

Name of Project:

Ocean Missions

Proposal in one sentence:

Building on-ramps for Web3 data asset buyers & sellers to Ocean Protocol (e.g. NFT, Crypto, DAO & DeFi related data assets).

Description of the project and what problem is it solving:

We’re helping to onboard Web3 data asset buyers & sellers to Ocean Protocol. We connect via outreach activities and guide them through the on-boarding process, creating data assets from on-chain data and publishing them to Ocean Market (soon Web3Access.org). Ocean Missions is built on the belief that Web3 data provides the lowest barrier to entry for wider market adoption of Ocean Protocol.

Grant Deliverables:

Last month we shifted our focus to Activation for those within the Ocean Missions ecosystem. This month the focus within the Ocean Missions ecosystem remains the same however we will also start to implement some Acquisition activities for Web3 data buyers and suppliers through the recently released Web3Access.org

We use OKRs to identify and prioritise grant deliverables:

Objective 1 - Community Onboarding

Key Results:

  • Onboard 2+ Product Managers into the Ocean Missions ecosystem to aid with further data asset creation.
  • Record & publish 2 new episodes of the Ocean Missions Campfire Podcast.
  • Continue running community engagement and on-boarding for data asset creators inside the Ocean Missions Discord.

Objective 2 - Improve Data Asset Quality

Key Results:

  • Oversee the development of the Unlock Ocean Data data mission.
  • Oversee the development of the Maiden Voyage data mission.
  • Oversee the development of the Ocean Market Sales data mission.
  • Kick off a new data mission focussed on identifying healthy DeFi protocols.

Objective 3 - Extend Runway

Key Results:

  • Add conversion funnel to Web3Access.org
  • Reach out to 3+ potential Web3 data buyers
  • Reach out to 3+ potential Web3 data suppliers

Which category best describes your project?

Outreach / community / spread awareness

What is the final product?

The final product is a decentralised community for Ocean Protocol data asset creators to build &/or publish on-chain data assets. These could be community owned data assets, client sponsored data missions (e.g. Unlock Ocean Data) or data led products built with on-chain data (e.g. Maiden Voyage). These will also be sold through a Web3 focussed decentralised data marketplace (Web3Access.org) helping to solve the demand side.

To learn more about this, you can read our vision to create a blockchain analytics organisation that’s co-owned by its members built on Ocean Protocol and our Go to market approach for a Web3 data marketplace. Both sides are necessary to build a market for Web3 data on Ocean Protocol.

Which one or more of the criteria will your project focus on? Why do you believe your team will do well on those criteria?

Usage of Ocean:

We want to build an on-ramp to Ocean Protocol via on-chain data, helping users experiment and use Ocean Protocol within a market which already ‘gets it’ (Web3 data). Ocean Missions members will create &/or publish on-chain data assets on Ocean Protocol which will increase the usage of Ocean through all key metrics to various degrees including DCV, # assets published,TVL, network revenue & active users. By attracting and on-boarding data scientists, developers and product people to Ocean Protocol, some will apply for funding through the Ocean DAO contributing towards # funded projects.

Adding value to the overall community:

Ocean Missions helps to increase awareness of Ocean Protocol by continuing to publish and promote outreach content (e.g. What is Ocean Protocol’s Data Marketplace?, A guide to DAO voting for $OCEAN holders, Reducing bias in AI models with Ocean’s Compute to Data). This content attracts people to both Ocean Missions and Ocean Protocol. By helping new users get familiar with Ocean Protocol via on-chain data it’s likely some will move to other areas (e.g. healthcare) well equipped with a working knowledge of Ocean Protocol.

We want to continue the momentum we have built over the last 6 months working within the Ocean DAO and start building a founding team capable of executing the vision.

Funding Requested:

$11,420 (includes $3,350 earmarked for contributors)

Proposal Wallet Address:


Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant?


R5 3,750 Ocean
R8 28,302 Ocean
R11 6,679 Ocean
R12 7,966 Ocean

Team Website (if applicable):


Twitter Handle (if applicable):


Discord Handle (if applicable):


Project lead email:

Scottmilat (at) gmail (dot) com

Country of Residence:

Country of residence: Bahrain :bahrain: (from: New Zealand :new_zealand: )

Part 2 - Team

2.1 Core Team

The core team is currently just me but I am being supported by a growing number of contributors who are building data assets and helping with Ocean Missions activities.

Scott Milat

  • Enterprise business development, contract negotiations and sales
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Software product development
  • Communications and Marketing
  • Web3 experience: 5 Years
  • Linkedin
  • Professional Website

Part 3 - Proposal Details

3.1 Details

Through prior research for Ocean Protocol around data buyers and data providers, we identified that it makes sense to focus on blockchain based data assets first.

We have since identified the data assets we believe are most likely to sell on Ocean Market today and acquired 107 members to our Discord where we have started building on-chain data assets.

To help on-board and upskill members we are improving our LEARN module to include a series of tutorials focussed on working with and publishing on-chain data assets to Ocean Market. The first tutorial is titled ‘working with DeFi data’ and we have so far registered 20 beta users for this. It’s hoped these tutorials will help to on-board new users to Ocean Missions and Ocean Protocol.

We have completed 2 data projects so far, 2 are being worked on currently, 2 others are in planning and we aim to produce many more. We have gained 523 twitter followers, 1,198 unique website visitors with 10% of users returning more than once.

Our project’s financial record can be found here.

3.3 If in Category “Outreach / community”:

3.8 If the project includes community engagement:

All content we produce will be published on our blog and shared via twitter, linkedin, reddit and telegram.

3.9 Project Deliverables - Roadmap

Any prior work completed thus far? Details?


See our November progress update here.
See our December progress update here.

Here is the content we published and shared in December

What is the project roadmap?

All deliverables for this round will be complete by 31 January. Our development approach is iterative allowing us to focus on specific tasks/areas as required while continuing to work towards our overarching vision.

What is the team’s future plans and intentions?

We plan to continue building very closely to the Ocean DAO and become financially sustainable through Web3Access.org, a data marketplace built on Ocean for Web3 data assets.

Hello @Scotty,

Please notice that we are updating the funding process for R13 and there are important things for you to know. We will be deploying an update to the Ocean Website, where you will be able to claim your grant on your own time.
Funding the smart contract may take ~2 days after Voting Ends. There will still be a funding deadline of 2 weeks to claim your grant.
You will need a web3 wallet + Airtable to complete the process. Grant requests via request.finance will be deprecated.

You can find all instructions here: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/oceandao/wiki/Request-Grant-Guidelines
You will have until January 10th to update your proposal with all required fields.

Please let us know if you experience any issues or bugs. You can also submit tickets to Github and ping us inside of ocean-dao-engineering for any help. Thank you!

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As an early user of your project with a successful finished mission, I am supporting your proposal to take the next step with Ocean Missions.

You have my support!

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Thank you @Robin, really appreciate it :raised_hands:

Hello @Scotty,

As part of the fellow Project Guiding - Working Group [PG-WG], We would like to congratulate on your sustained interest in the OceanDAO and for winning the R13 grant.

We also encourage you to invite other members such as yourself, to be part of our PG-WG Guiding group as an Attendee as well as being part of guiding the newcomers of PG-WG and OceanDAO. Encourage them to say hello to us at https://discord.gg/kujC2QK9 #Project-Guiding and to refer to the pinned messages to find more information regarding the WG.

You could also be encourage them to be part of async discussions by interacting on the Project-Guiding Discord channel



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[Deliverable Checklist]

  • [x] Onboard 2+ Product Managers into the Ocean Missions ecosystem to aid with further data asset creation. Complete (jjlee for Ocean Missions & Segun for the maiden voyage)
  • [x] Record & publish 2 new episodes of the Ocean Missions Campfire Podcast. Complete Rugpull Risks on the Ethereum Blockchain & Ocean Protocol & Blockchain in India
  • [x] Continue running community engagement and on-boarding for data asset creators inside the Ocean Missions Discord. Complete (24 members joined)
  • [x] Oversee the development of the Unlock Ocean Data data mission. Complete & on-going.
  • [x] Oversee the development of the Maiden Voyage data mission. Complete & on-going.
  • [x] Oversee the development of the Ocean Market Sales data mission. This data mission is currently available as the previous member switched to the Maiden voyage mission. I am currently looking for someone to take it on.
  • [x] Kick off a new data mission focussed on identifying healthy DeFi protocols. Complete
  • [x] Add conversion funnel to Web3Access.org Complete - ended up doing this through Ocean Missions - see Ocean Missions Services.
  • [x] Reach out to 3+ potential Web3 data buyers. Complete, have registered over 100 potential data buyers through Ocean Missions Airdrops.
  • [x] Reach out to 3+ potential Web3 data suppliers - created & shared this post to reach out to DAO communities and have received 1 lead so far.

@Scotty, I have now updated Airtable and your proposal is set to Completed.

Thank you!

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Hi @Scotty ,

Thank you for submitting an update for your previous proposal!

Your Grant Deliverables have been reviewed and look to be in good condition. They align well with the goals originally described, and I believe the project has acted in a very positive way to deliver against their goals. I have also looked at your Project Standing, it looks to be in good condition and ready to apply for another grant.

I would like to thank you for your positive contributions to the Ocean Ecosystem and I look forward to reviewing future proposals from your project.

All the best!