Ocean Guild | Scaling Ocean Communities | Round 18

Project Name

Ocean Guild

Project Category


Proposal Earmark

New Outreach

Proposal Description

One of our key goals is to support developers as they create their DAOs and Projects on Ocean. We will provide mentorship to the top developers in our pool, cluster others into developer pools and direct or mentor others to develop their projects on Ocean. For some projects, we will work with these developers to detect practical use cases and then design the product requirement, improve the MVPs and execute up to testing and launch. We will also try to match technical and non-technical cohorts in our ecosystem to build long term scalable solutions on Ocean.

With the Ocean Guild Project, we are emphasizing training and will target advanced web2 developers who still do not use blockchain professionally, even if they are familiar with the technical concepts. The focus of our sessions will be to introduce web 2 devs to the web 3 technology, including Ocean protocol stacks. At the end of the sessions, participants should be fluent enough to build on Ocean Protocol.

Grant Deliverables

  • Onboard 20 engineers with completed training, including a final evaluation.
  • Increased engagement with Ocean in the UK.
  • 50 Number of grant applications from the UK supported by the Ocean Guild Program.
  • 5 projects to be developed on the Ocean Protocol.

Project Description

Creating Community vehicles in the Ocean Ecosystem to support the development of core protocol and projects across the UK and gradually scaling up efforts globally.

Final Product

The Ocean Guild is a hub for all Web3 enthusiasts, Developers, validators, token holders, creators, builders and believers alike. The final product will feature sub-communities focused on specific verticals (Outreach, Core integration, DAO improvement etc) that make up the greater Ocean Community. Each of the Guild nodes will have specific values and goals targeted at driving a more open, integrated and community-driven ecosystem.

Value Add Criteria

Usage of Ocean

Ocean Guild will be strategic towards attracting developers, building for Ocean Protocol and unleashing the next wave of community-driven projects for the Ocean ecosystem and the Web 3 community. Ocean Guild will increase the usage of Ocean while creating a core developer community with incentive models for the constant building of the ecosystem. 


This project is completely viable and with great chances of success, because of the experience of the team in building and supporting Blockchain projects. A technical team with full commitment and dedication to the success and impact of the project.

Adding value to the community

The recruitment of new Ocean engineers and ambassadors will spring up the number of Ocean DA projects applications and lead to a more active community and social following across.

Core Team

Name: Oluwatimilehin Adesoji


A software engineer with experience in building highly scalable systems. 3 Years Experience In Integrated Code Development, And Big Data Analytics. 2 Years Experience In Applied Interdisciplinary Engineering Research. Keen interest in building communities and interacting with other devs.

LinkedIn :


Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address

Hi Oluwatimilehin,

Thank you for participating in OceanDAO Round 18!

We try to make your first grant easy to earn (you are registered in the New Entrant Earmark)

We would also recommend one (or all) of the following steps:

  1. Say hi to the community in #ocean-dao and share your proposal.
  1. Voting period is 4 days, ending Monday, 13th June, 23:59 UTC. Talk about your project and ask your community to vote as much as you can. We will share/retweet as much as we can.

  2. Say hi to the members of the #project-guiding WG and find your guide. They have experience in how best to propose and run OceanDAO projects, they can be found using the discord link above. I assure you they are very friendly :heart:

  3. Attend a Town Hall or join a working group, you can see the meetings in the events calendar in Discord.

  4. Keep your project guide close, they are here to help you. Feel free to ask for a quick call, sharing-sessions, feedback, or contacts to other projects in the ecosystem.

  5. If you win a grant, make sure to claim it yourself within 12 days(!) after voting period ended, right here: https://oceanprotocol.com/web3Tools

  6. When BUIDLing with your grant, feel free to share your amazing updates here: Discord

  7. Welcome aboard! Reach out anytime if you have questions, either to me or in the Project Guiding Working Group. Enjoy yourself and build towards a #NewDataEconomy with us! :ocean::yin_yang::raised_hands:

Upkar Gata-Aura
Project Guide

During the Round 17 DAO period you said you would engage in the Ocean discord, however I have not seen you there.

I assure you that you are very welcome, and given the scope of what you are proposing to deliver, you could find useful resources in the vibrant community we have in the Ocean Discord, please say hi, feel free to tag me if you have questions, my handle is zippy1979.

In addition, this proposal is unchanged from the Round 17 submission, do you still intend to deliver all the items e.g. 50 DAO Grant Proposals within 3 months?