Ocean Ambassadors | Ocean Protocol Ambassador Program (OPAP) | Round 18

Project Name

Ocean Ambassadors

Project Category


Proposal Earmark


Proposal Description

At OPAP our objective is to onboard the next wave of Web3 talents and provide continuous support to the growth and adoption of Ocean Protocol worldwide.

After successfully

  1. partnering with Ocean Missions in delivering quality Podcasts

  2. integrating Coordinape for governance

  3. introducing new streamlined processes and incentives such as Activity Farming, Impression mining, Leaderboard and after

  4. launching our first version of the OPAP website, we’re now planning to scale the program even further by coordinating with local communities worldwide to attract talents into the core of the Ocean ecosystem and develop targeted referral campaigns.

  5. Working with other OceanDAO grantees such as The Phoenix Guild and DoDAO

  6. Partnering with New Order DAO to help them amplify their products and produce content

With over 250 ambassadors from 40 nationalities, we want to take the necessary steps to create a community-led program and transform OPAP into a truly efficient AmbassadorDAO (OPAP DAO).

Grant Deliverables

-Continue work on the Design of the OPAP DAO

  • Economic/social design
  • Supporting tech stack
  • Voting mechanisms
  • XP-veToken conversion

- Introduce new Ambassador perks based on XP earned to increase engagement and number of contributions (NFTs, Rewards, Ocean Wearables)

- Continuous support for the whole Ocean Ecosystem through our Ambassadors Twitter handle (In May we again hit a performance target of more than 500 likes for the month spread across 30 tweets)

Deliver diverse value to the Ocean Ecosystem through our innovative Activity Farming system, with deliveries such as:

-Professional podcast episode w/ relevant speakers.

- V4 communication support with:

1. e-book on Amazon

2. 2 infographics

3. Professional Whitepaper translation in Chinese and German

4. 2 In Depth Articles and Ocean materials translated into a selection of languages

5. 30 posts Twitter + engagement

Project Description

Project Flagship marks a key step in the decentralization of Ocean Protocol: the Ocean Ambassador program (OPAP) will get its funding from OceanDAO going forward.

At OPAP our objective is to onboard the next wave of Web3 talents and provide continuous support to the growth and adoption of Ocean Protocol worldwide.

Final Product

A top class Ambassador program for Ocean Protocol, incorporating the top talents amongst the most engaged community members in the ecosystem.

Leveraging the talents of a global pool of people to contribute to Outreach efforts for Ocean Protocol.

Value Add Criteria

The Ocean Ambassadors have and will continue to represent the evolving structure of the greater Ocean ecosystem. We strive to further advance literacy and implementation of Ocean Protocol to those interested in the decentralized data sharing economy by recruiting, supporting and retaining talent to advance this objective.

The Ambassadors succeed in building trust and bridges across the Ocean ecosystem and the wider Crypto metaverse, by upholding values of:

  • High Ethical Standards
  • We are trying to build for the long term success of the Ocean Protocol ecosystem, and will not take shortcuts to get there.

  • Full Transparency
  • Every single token that we spend if accounted for and we share publicly all disbursements and deliveries. Anyone can hold us to account and see how we are managing the program

  • Culture of Inclusion
  • We operate on an optimistic governance system, as well as permissionless deliveries, we don’t gatekeep our Ambassadors from doing what they do best, and we trust them to deliver the quality expected from the DAO

Core Team

Upkar Gata-Aura

Background: IT Infrastructure Project Management, Marketing and Strategy

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/upkar-g-0148794a/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zippy1979uk

Andrea Armanni

Background: Product/Strategy/Marketing

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreaarmanni

Twitter: https://twitter.com/andreaarmanni2

Noelle Siri

Background: Outreach/Media

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noellesiri/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlockchainLuga1

Bhalisa Sodo

Background: Data Scientist and Content Creator in Web3

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bhalisasodo/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dataseusss

Pablo Roccatagliata

Background: Data & Token Economics, Learning

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pabloroccatagliata/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PabloRocc1


Laurent Rochat - Leadership & Coaching (Former Project Lead)

Background: Program management, Leadership, Coaching

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurentrochat/

Robin Lehmann - Leadership & Coaching (Former Program Lead)

Background: Product owner, developer, utility man

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/robinlehmann

GitHub: https://github.com/w1kke

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address

Thank you Ambassadors for submitting your proposal for OceanDAO Round 18!

I am a Project-Guiding Member and have assigned myself to help you.

I have reviewed your proposal and would like to thank you for your participation inside of the Ocean Ecosystem!

It’s been very exciting to follow the work being done in the OPAP, and all contributions that Ambassadors continue to provide as individuals across the Ocean Ecosystem. It’s clear to me that Ambassadors are aligned with our evaluation criteria of generating positive value towards the Ocean Ecosystem and the W3SL.

  1. Usage of Ocean — Ambassadors continue to onboard and bring a lot of talent to the Ocean Ecosystem. We have Ambassadors across every working group, in addition to many projects who have risen from this program. Further, it continues to support our Ecosystem via their activity farming program that rewards participants with Ocean.
  2. Viability — The Ocean Ambassadors is run by talented individuals who have delivered on thier outcomes time and time again. Members from the program have gone on to build products, receive grants, onboard new talent, and ship a broad range of content in the form of events, blog posts, and outreach/marketing efforts.
  3. Community active-ness — Ambassadors are a highly-engaged group of participants who permeate Discord/Telegram/Twitter channels, Working Groups, and IRL events. They are extremely active in our community and we are extremely lucky to have their contributions.
  4. Adding value to the community — Ambassadors add value by driving a lot of outreach and growth efforts by onboarding new participants, educating them on the ecosystem, and facilitating them to output work. Ambassadors have done an amazing effort to remain aligned with outcomes, and they create a rich mixture of value, including both measurable outcomes and hard-to-measure intangibles + goodwill.

Based on the reasons above, I am in support of the Ocean Ambassadors and I look forward to continue providing support to your project.

You can expect to receive a positive vote from me during the upcoming voting period.

Thank you!


Our Ambassador is transiting to DAO model and building more functionalities to help to grow the Ocean ecosystem.

I connected with @zippy1979 and @Lrt earlier this month and they guided me very well. Ambassador program brings a lot of value on the community and outreach side.

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Pleasure to connect, and looking forward to create value for the Ocean ecosystem together !

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Thank you so much for the message of support. I really enjoyed our collaboration so far, and I am sure we will build something great for Ocean as a team! :heart: