Nano Sensor Powered Smart Cities: Use Case Public Toilets


Key Project Data

Name of project: Nano Sensor Powered Smart Cities: Use Case Public Toilets

Team Website (if applicable): n/a

Proposal Wallet Address (*mandatory): 0x53CB14af00560E779baCa9A662F6213dC573B906

Current country of residence (*mandatory) Stockholm, Sweden

Contact Email (*mandatory)

Twitter Handle: n/a

Discord Handle: Sense Nation Ecosystem#8308

The proposal in one sentence: Onboarding and establishing a new dataset on the OCEAN marketplace with regular input and up-date from nano sensors in the urban landscape to measure out hidden asset layers and enable predictive maintenance (“Land Survey” in the metaverse.)

Which category best describes your project? Pick one or more.

[x] Outreach (The nanotech community + businesses interested in predictions)

[x] Unleash data – mining data to feed Sense Nation Data Asset on Ocean Protocol

Funding Amount: 32.000 $OCEAN

Current Remaining Grant Treasury Balance: 0

Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant?: No

Project Overview
This OceanDAO project proposal is about

  • introducing and engaging a new data-rich community (nano) in Ocean Protocol
  • publishing a new rich dataset and building momentum for a real world asset from day one
  • capturing buyer insights to support further token modelling and tokenomics simulation
  • start a toolbox for Ocean Protocol & Science, e.g. unlocking further nano data across science
  • showcase predictive maintenance

About Sense Nation Ecosystem
Sense Nation Ecosystem is a multi-stakeholder ecosystem or Curated Open Market that enables dynamic contracts – Win-Win-Win (W3). There are a number of suppliers of tech (nano) and companies with a demand in the ecosystem. The key objective with the ecosystem is to mitigate risk, distribute rewards and to set up collaborations in Exploration Spaces. At its core there is an underlying security or next generation asset - hidden asset layers (urban data real estate) in the metaverse. Our aim is also to simulate the ecosystem’s value flows – Token Engineering using Ocean Protocol’s TokenSpice – as a tool for onboarding more stakeholders (for example Embedded Finance) in the future.

Sense Nation started with these pathways for explorations:

  1. What can a (your) machine tell you? Give Machines a Voice (MaV) + signature/fingerprint
  2. What can a (your) plant tell you? Give Plants a Voice (PaV) + signature

It can be seen as a development of an IoT biosemiotic inspired by Jakob von Uexküll’s concept of Umvelt.

The pilot project is conceptually similar to Ocean Protocol’s successful partnership project with AIRA_Robonomics, which captures data from robots directly into an Ocean Protocol dataset.

Description of the project:
Use Case 1: Hidden Asset Layers in the urban landscape with public toilets as “base stations”.

The project will be a demonstrator project within the scope of “Next Generation Public Spaces” in collaboration with municipalities.

In collaboration with one of the stakeholders (=buyer) in the ecosystem who owns, produces and develops public toilets we will install sensors that capture data which in turn enables us to make predictions of material systems behavior (organic as well as inorganic material systems in very high resolution. Track and Trace submicroscopic particles).

We will use somewhat conventional nano sensors initially in order to feed the Ocean Marketplace with data that is fairly easy to interpret and turn into a service. The initial service might be to be able to visit spaces virtually before you are actually visiting the space. This is part of a general aim to grant everyone (including women and children) access to public spaces by lowering a sensation of uncertainty.

To create a dataset that is usable for these purposes there will be a lot of tooling required. The sensor data has to be visualized and we want to make it possible to annotate it in a crowd based manner to make it machine learning ready. To do this we will collaborate with engineers from Dataunion that will help us to make this happen.

The first delivery of data will be in September 2021.

This first phase will be part of a learning process for our stakeholders as well as team building with the DLT community. In the process we will engage a nanotech community.

We will also make an illustration with what we mean by hidden asset layers in the metaverse based on this use case.

We plan in Autumn 2021 to set up a webinar hopefully in collaboration with Ocean Protocol: Nano sensors + AI/Machine Learning = Absorb Surprise
(Next Generation Assets)

Project Deliverables - Category

Data: New dataset from sensors around the public toilet

Buyer: Insights from its buyer (owner of the toilets) about commercial parameters, like willingness to pay, price expectations and potential business models

Outreach: New community of nano experts, excited do shift more of their data and work onto Ocean Protocol

Marketing: Showcase (data visualizations) and Webinar with Ocean Protocol to promote the example, inspire and inform the interested (nano) community

Project Deliverables - Roadmap
â—Ź Jul.-Aug: Detail project plan with partners (e.g. toilet owners, nano community) and kick-off
â—Ź Sept.: Collect the data and expectations of buyer
â—Ź Sept.: Draft Webinar and visuals
â—Ź Oct.: Onboard the dataset, test subscription approach for dataset
â—Ź Oct./Nov.: Webinar and outreach
â—Ź Nov.: Wrap-up and develop Phase 2 plan, follow-up proposal, e.g.

ROI – How does it drive value to the Ocean Ecosystem?

The total market that is being addressed by these solutions in the predictive maintenance field is estimated to be a $7 billion market in 2021.

  1. In one of the institutions in the sense nation ecosystem there are around 100 projects that need a toolbox to liquidize and establish an underlying common asset . The total amount invested in these projects are substantial. This is only one institution of many.

  2. Businesses onboarded in the ecosystem are building cloud services for companies and public entities. We will be able to use Ocean Protocol as an asset building platform for all these projects.

We will list the dataset of this use case on the Ocean marketplace and the other projects that can potentially follow. Each dataset will have at least 20.000 $OCEAN initial liquidity provided by the data set provider. If we assume that there are some data curators that add additional liquidity to the data set, then we can reasonably assume that each one will lock around 40.000 $OCEAN.

For this case this leads us to the following calculations for the ROI:
Bang: 40.000 $OCEAN
Buck: 32.000 $OCEAN
% chance of success = 90% (known community, existing collaboration contract with buyer and data access)

ROI = 40.000 $OCEAN / 32.000 $OCEAN * 0.9 = 1,125

Expected ROI > 1.0 with further Outreach and follow-up benefits for Ocean Protocol

Potential and perspectives

  1. Algorithms and DUs enriching and using the dataset
    The pilot project is the base for mining data with nano sensors. This data will to a great degree be unorganized and complex, which will require and invite a community to collaborate, potentially as DataUnion, and turn this constant flow of real time data into further assets, like algorithms that again will be available through the Ocean Protocol marketplace. This will be an evolving real time asset layer or zone.
  1. Further dataset
    As described above this project would be the stepping stone to unlock more sensor data and access further use cases to onboard datasets into the Ocean Protocol.

  2. Token engineering - Simulation as Outreach
    Simulating the tokenomics around such an Ocean Protocol dataset will help inspire and convince the interested community and advance Ocean Protocol token engineering projects with real use cases and customer feedback.

Team members

Mats Brodén

  • CEO and Co-founder of Embedded Nano Europe
  • Co-founder of The GoC - Governance of (virtual) Commons/Ecosystems
    (mutual-benefit nonprofit corporation )
  • Conceptual translator between material science and industry.
  • Business development

Emil Brandt

  • CEO Consat Innovation Partner
  • Cloud computing, Telematics, Vision Platforms, Embedded Systems, etc

Xavier Marti

  • Spintronics-based nano-sensors, its microelectronic integration, field deployment and data transmission.
  • Full-stack system integrator from sensor fabrication up to AI (9y)
  • Nano Scientist at Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics (11y)"

Robin Lehmann

  • Head of Ocean Protocol Ambassador program
  • CEO at DataUnion
  • ML/Web3/DataUnion strategy at deltaDAO
  • Machine learning (10yrs)
  • Web3 (4yrs)

Working on a bottom up approach to bring DataUnions to as many verticals as possible to learn and adopt the concept to their needs

Dr. Mark Siebert

  • Data publishing (10yrs)
  • Business Development for Data Markets
  • Owning and driving global executive engagements and partnerships, Data and Open Science
  • Web3 experience: < 1 Year
  • Positioning businesses in emerging markets or innovative fields with focus on data and AI-driven solutions.

What data could a toilet / sanitation sensor give? What is the use case. Could you describe it in a few sentences? Thank you very much. :grinning:

Hi Kai

Thanks for the question. Well the public toilet is the initial use case together with a stakeholder in the ecosystem that we will use it as a “base station”. The core project is about measuring out electrons’ behavior around the nucleus, or rather proxy evidence of it. We are building a “Ûber Spin Team” that will test sensors that relates to spintronics. You can see it as we are measuring out a urban “swimming pool” in which objects move. You can’t move anything in a swimming pool without disturbing the water. In some cases we can identify them and give them a dynamic identity. But in most cases, this is unorganized complexity, so we will use Ocean Protocol to invite people to write algorithms. You can see it as we are developing a taxonomy for “spices” in this realm. Each “species” are unique and potentially a future NFT. We have interest for this in municipalities when it comes to certain objects in the public domain that should not be there – we will go in detail about this later.

To begin with we will measure inside and around the toilet things such as: CO2, pressure, magnetic fields, acoustics, alcohol, vibrations, light, temperature, humidity, energy, etc. (Perhaps also submicroscopic particles such as viruses). This will be, sort of, a digital twin that the company can use a tool for optimizing services and also to detect emotional states. All of this will be done in dialog with local players.

This is the first testbed project with Ocean Protocol in a series of future projects from the nanotech community.

I hope this answered your question.

The use case is to be able to “look” into what is going on in the toilet without having to look into what is going on in the toilet. It enables to answer questions without invading the privacy of the users. So the ability to evaluate what is going on in the toilet without having to put a camera or an audio sensor but instead a nano sensor that captures data differently.

Is it clean - are there bacteria in it? Is there a bad smell?
Did the person do their business or did they do drugs?
Is the person in there doing their business or do they have a heart attack?

And these are just the questions that come to my mind right now.

A short update: We are about to onboard a nano science common/ecosystem that focus on nano safety. We build data environments in which we can test a nano materials interaction with living things. These data sets can be about mimicking how a material interact with certain species and address the challenge of biodiversity. We unleash idle publicly funded assets (potential) in the science community and engage a wider group of professionals as well as the public in order to create local wealth.

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Update 2: We are about to onboard key players when it comes to Swedish Digitial Strategies - Swedish Digital Arena. There are two sides to this; one is that we can detect things that is potential dangeruos for citizens the other thing is that there is no organizational model for how to deal with data when it comes to governance, distribution of rewards, mitigation of risk, etc - multi-stakeholder ecosystem approach. Our project wih Ocean Protocol can become a testbed for how to stage public private partnership in the future - dynamic contracts.

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