ITRMachines | Development Framework to test and optimise time series models using the AI libraries: oceanai-js & oceanai-py | Round 21

Project Name


Project Category

Build & Integrate

Proposal Earmark

2nd/3rd Grant

Proposal Description

One of the key aspects in the journey of creating AI models is the process of testing and optimising models. With the use of the AI libraries created by ITRMachines for the Ocean community (oceanai-js & oceanai-py), we propose the creation of a dapp that will provide dveloping environments as a service to facilitate the construction, testing and optimization of AI models to forecast time series. Our solution will enable data scientists to create, test and optimized in a seamless way their AI models, increasing the usability of Ocean data and AI libraries.

The dapp will require that the user connects it’s wallet and the will allow the user to select its preferred programming language for developing (initially Js or Py), once that the language is selected the dapp will load a developing environment that will resemble Visual Studio code and that will have the corresponding OceanAi library that’s related to the programming language by default. This environment variable will also have a predefined set of tools that will allow the final user to test and optimize it’s models, mainly seem as data analytics tools like tables and in some cases graphs.

Here’s an example (mockup) of the dapp for this particular grant:

As it is shown, it has a close resemblance to Visual studio code, but wil be integrated in a web environment, so anyone that has access to a good internet connection and a browser will be able to interact with the dapp.

Grant Deliverables

  • Dapp that will offer an developing environment as a servive: Integrate the current functionalities of the oceanai-js & oceanai-py libraries (Create artificial intelligence models, buy OCEAN marketplace datasets to use them directly, publish OCEAN marketplace datasets and consume OCEAN datatokens, to access the services of Ocean) in a developer environment as a service dapp that will enable within one interface, visual tools to test and optimise the developed AI models. User will be able to select a programming language and then load a developing environment.
  • Technical and user documentation of the development framework.
  • Deployment and integration of webapp interface which will be linked in our webpage, promoting Ocean protocol and the developed dapp.
  • 2 LinkedIn posts announcing the deployment of the development framework interface linking the posts to the Ocean Marketplace.
  • Two (2) virtual workshops via Discord for developers introducing the development framework interface, the details of the workshop and the registration form will be shared in OceanProtocol Discord server and ITRMachines LinkedIn.

Project Description

Development of a wrapper library that will allow a direct integration between the Ocean marketplace and the tensorflow.js library for artificial intelligence.

Final Product

not set

Value Add Criteria

How does the project and proposal add value to Ocean ecosystem?

The journey to create AI models requires certain steps to create an accurate model. These are some of the elements associated with the process: 1. Data, 2. Libraries , 3. Testing and optimization, 4. Deployment and 5. Consumption. 

Understanding that the steps 1 and 2 are already covered with the actual elements (Data=OCEAN & libraries= oceanai-js & oceanai-py), this proposal aims to help the “testing and optimization” step allowing data scientists to have a seamless process for their creation of AI models. The latter is achieved with the presentation of a platform that will provide the computing resources and a set of tools that will be designed for testing and optimization.

Taking into account that Ocean protocol is a data based ecosystem platform, developing tools will enable data scientists to have a faster and more accurate way to create AI models.

Usage of Ocean — how well might the project drive usage of Ocean?

The Ocean ecosystem will benefit from this project by the raw amount of AI developers and data scientists from the Python and Javascript ecosystems (17,579,395 for Tensorflow last month) that could be onboarded to the protocol. If only 0.1% of those users get interested in the Ocean platform that would mean an influx of 17000 (just using Tensorflow library as base line) new users each month.

Additionally, current users would obtain a very flexible developer environment to build and optimise AI models with a set of powerful tools. Integrations of AI models with the Ocean marketplace would be streamlined. This flexible developing environment will be readily available for any kind of user irrespective of their background (platform will only need an internet connection and a browser), this will allow the Ocean ecosystem to help to significantly reduce the inequality gap that exists among the world's developers.

Viability — what is the chance of success of the project?

ITRM is an established AI and big data company that has successfully provided FinTech solutions to multiple big institutional players in the past. Our AI driven algorithms have managed around 180 million USD through the prop trade desk of one of the major Colombian brokerage institutions. This goes in line with the deployment of multiple best execution and AI algos focused on capital markets for different international brokers, including crypto exchanges.

ITRM has been recognised and funded by the Colombian Government accelerator, Aldea-INNPULSA and was showcased as one of the most scalable and innovative ventures in the region. Regarding the DeFi space, the algorithms developed by ITRM together with the MetaGameHub DAO have generated over 25.000 API requests for NFT valuations showing the high demand for the solutions being developed.

ITRM also has successfully delivered two (2) proposals in round 13th and 19th with the deployment of OceanAI.js and OceanAI.js

Community Engagement — How active is the team in the community?

-Our data and AI team are closely following the weekly town halls and slide decks to keep updated with the progress of the tech working group.

-One of our engineers (Discord Handle: MatteoITRM#6495) is in and will be in constant contact with core developers and administrators regarding the fulfilment and the roadmap of pasts proposals:

Community Value — How does the project add value to the overall Ocean Community / Ecosystem?

As explained before, this proposal aims to foster the expansion of the core tech capabilities of Ocean protocol by integrating AI and data science libraries, while at the same time generating value for the Ocean Protocol community by expanding the potential user base, incentivizing datasets consumption and bringing a renewed project pool for Ocean protocol.

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address

@Sato, this is a copy paste of the last proposal.

I have provided feedback and reviewed your code.
As it stands, this proposal will either be rejected or downvoted during the period.

The amounts, deliverables, and code being delivered are not mtaching up.
Please see feedback against your previous deliverables.

Hi! thank you for your input, maybe and it was for the nick fo the time, the proposal wasn’t clear enough. What we are trying to achieve with this proposal is to create a dapp that will provide a developing enviroment as a service that will include, by default, the libraries that we have created already, this dapp will have an interface that will allow the user to consume all the functionalities of both libraries (OceanAi.js & and will provide a set of tools for validating user models.

Is there a problem if i update the current proposal to reflect more clearly what we are trying to achieve? Is it too late for doing so?

Hi, @white-aurora and ITRM team,

This is a large statement for your deliverable, and worry the scope is too large. I would love to see you dedicated yourselves to deliver on the engineering/dapp as detailed below.

Dapp that will offer an developing environment as a servive: Integrate the current functionalities of the oceanai-js & oceanai-py libraries (Create artificial intelligence models, buy OCEAN marketplace datasets to use them directly, publish OCEAN marketplace datasets and consume OCEAN datatokens, to access the services of Ocean) in a developer environment as a service dapp that will enable within one interface, visual tools to test and optimise the developed AI models. User will be able to select a programming language and then load a developing environment.