Indian Ocean program | Indian Ocean Program | Round 16

Project Name

Indian Ocean program

Project Description

Coming off a highly successful Indian Ocean campaign since Round10 of Ocean DAO, we intend to continue the outreach initiative and engage with the active Indian community of builders and community leaders that we have engaged through our first epoch of activities since R-10.

Final Product

not set

Proposal One Liner

We intend to continue our high leverage of social success that we have achieved over the past few months through a series of Workshops, Hackathons, IRL meetups and Premier Web3 events by expanding our outreach even more.

Proposal Description

History - Activities archive - Milestones achieved - Deliverables highlights:

Having started out outreach activities back in October, we started off with an ambitious set of goals to kick-start the Official Outreach within the Indian community with an intend to onboard more beginners into the AI*Web3 space, along with the Active Crypto-Indian Community. We were able to successfully pull off strategies that are atypical of an outreach program and our results display the same. We managed to steer through pivoting in view of COVID restrictions in place for physical events and we intend to continue our outreach efforts with a meaningful funneling towards the Ocean DAO ecosystem.

We intend to expand our outreach as we have done successfully in the last two months as well.

Further highlights on our progress during the epoch of the past couple of months as shown below.

Grant Deliverables

[ ] Establish the Indian Outreach as a DAO ecosystem to continue growth & engagement with the Indian ecosystem of developers, web3 beginners & curious data-scientists.

[ ] Mentor the Indian Ocean Program Developer community to onboard the Ocean DAO and engage actively.

[ ] Mentor at least one successful grant proposal to win and guide them to complete deliverables.

[ ] Organize an ecosystem fund to continue bounties, grants & outreach activities.

[ ] Support the existing sub-DAOs, Working groups and the stakeholders in the Ocean ecosystem.

Value Add Criteria

As outlined in our last proposal in Round14, we intend to continue the good work in bringing more value add to the Ocean outreach in terms of

  1. DAO Outreach
  2. Ecosystem funds to improve developer outreach
  3. Project Guiding
  4. Service DAO to help community get more opportunities & achieving the missions
  5. Bringing support to the working groups and other stake holders in the Indian ecosystem

Funding Requested


Wallet Address


The Indian outreach program is undoubtedly creating tremendous value for the Ocean ecosystem.

As i look through this proposal, however, I get the feeling that some funding may be double-counted as there has been budget given by the Outreach WG to cover (1), and project guiding (3) is supposed to be covered by the PGWG coordinape process. In addition, the other deliverables are a little bit loosely defined.

Would it be possible to provide full detail on the usage of the funds received, past and future?

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Thanks for your valuable feedback @Lrt .

Your feedback is well received. You are correct on the fact that outreach WG had given us budget to cover the activities. We had reached out to the Outreach WG as part of the funding used to continue our work over the past 2 months and we have reported our usage of $Ocean directly to the outreach WG. Do check out our progress as shown below in the previous epoch.

For the upcoming epoch, We are looking to extend the same to continue the work what we have defined. The core tactics remain the same. As per recommendation of @idiom-bytes , we had to follow a separate reporting to the discretional grants & for the Ocean DAO community curation tracks. We still had to follow through as 2nd time applicants.

As per the Project Guiding Working group activities. The activities are entirely different. What we have done is to ensure hand-holding of communities to support proposals from newer communities in the Indian ecosystem, especially during physical meetups that has risen in the recent past. Our mandate is not necessarily the same as PG-WG Coordinape process, which has more to do with reviewing of proposals and interim guidance that Project guides provide in as async manner.

To reiterate on our Value add criteria, we intend for our program to be a strong focus wing of the Ocean DAO within the Indian Web3 community, with respect to DAO outreach, running micro-grants, providing additional support that is not within the purview of Ocean WG mandates, and we had been doing active technical outreach to help more builders to work on Ocean stack. The Build on Ocean series proposal submitted as a new entrant is a fine example of that.

We hope for you to go through our Chapter 2 activities to understand our progress so far. Happy to address any other questions that you might have.

Thanks & Regards,

Indian Ocean Outreach lead

This is useful perspective, thank you very much. The Indian community is vibrant, and active on all fronts, which is remarkable.

Given the multiplicity of programs, their potential overlap in terms of work and funding, I think that full and granular financial disclosure is essential for token holders to cast their vote in R16.

Iโ€™m afraid that my question is left unaddressed: will you disclose detailed usage of the funds received, past and future?

We will, of course. Disclose past, future fund usage to the relevant funding channels.

We have also followed the same with Outreach WG for the relevant epochs.

The detailed usage of funds for the upcoming Epoch will be as follows, with approximately 2000$ each

  1. Outreach activities: Physical IRL events with crucial stakeholders along with community events

  2. Developer outreach grants: 2k worth of Microgrants as we had disbursed earlier with the Questbook Grants tool

3 & 4. A total of 4000$ is crucial to fund the manpower and essential manhours required to improve the visibility of our program and offer services. Costs will go towards marketing, consult cost and so forth. This is to make sure that we become a sustainable operation through potential revenue as well even though we had not charged the current hiring help that we had offered to DataX for our resource help that we had done earlier.

  1. Reserve grants/Working group supports: This is a newer attempt post our successful association with the Phoenix Guild. We would expand to more such partners and offer them support and awareness on $Ocean.

Existing overheads and association help that we would extend to other working groups that we would be creating within the Indian ecosystem. With our Gitbook it is noticeable that we have taken sufficient efforts to expand our collaboration with college events. We would be establishing working groups to make this a sustaining community effort with our team members taking up responsibility for strategic activities.