Ethereum Wallet Analysis | Wallet Meta Data Index | Round 17

Project Name

Ethereum Wallet Analysis

Project Description

This project aims to build an index of all wallet addresses along with the computed enrichment data (which is not directly available on blockchain). As a few examples, these data fields will be creation_date (first tx), funder wallet address, exchange_connected_to, top_neighbour, is_dex_trader, is_ido_participant, balance etc.

This has several applications for dApps and investors both using such fast responding API. dApps can dive-down deep into wallets for insights and eligibility checks and minimize fraud. Any small investor can see if any whales are buying a specific NFT.

Some tools that currently do this are quite closed and do not allow external access easily. In future, this project can even open up to the community for new data fields without developers worrying about the infrastructure required to store millions of wallets.

Final Product

Final product is service / data NFT which can be used by any dApp / consumer to detect fraud, build an investment edge and carry out automated due-diligence checks.

Core Team

Abhimanyu Grover


web3: built a smart contract traffic analyzer using Moralis nodes, for 7 blockchains, In web2 space, is an enterprise application for QA management,

20+ years of programming experience, AI/ML, Blockchains, Solidity - basic security

Co-founder at Test Collab


No one at the moment

Proposal One Liner

Building a wallet meta data index so dApps can see beyond just wallet addresses

Proposal Description

This project will enable dApp teams, end-users and any other interested party to look beyond just hex wallet address. Depending on context and use-case, we can help teams/individuals:

  • Determining good ICO (or IDOs) participants for prioritization (avoid people who dump, prioritize people who hold)
  • Analyze credibility of NFT collection based on contract creator and people trading that collection
  • Analyzing big holders / smart money behavior (similar to what Nansen does)
  • Avoid scams and fraudulent websites by analyzing connected addresses. (A simple one-level deep connection can help avoid users falling for scams)

Our first step is to build an index which is published and usable to whole ecosystem in an open form.

Grant Deliverables

Query-enabled open API which takes wallet address as input, and returns matching labels.

Initial deliverable labels would be creation_date (first tx), funder wallet address

I plan to expand these labels later to: source_exchange, top_neighbour, is_dex_trader, is_ido_participant, balance, timezone etc. But since this grant is capped to 3k, I’ll be able to deliver only two labels as stated above.

Value Add Criteria

Since this project has many use-cases, we're opening room for multiple ICPs to approach Ocean Protocol and do a trial run. With open data approach and low friction, dApps teams or individual investors/developers have no potential downside and all upside, if they chose to integrate their current set of tools with us.

Funding Requested


Wallet Address


Hi there,

Thank you for applying for R-17!

I am a Project-Guiding Guide and have assigned myself to help you.

For R-17 we have updated the format for proposals. You can submit it at Ocean seed/, and see an example at here

Your proposal has been registered into the grants program, however we’re seeing some issues:

  • Your Proposal Category is not clearly defined, learn more here

  • Your Fundamental Metric is not clearly defined.

Thank you for taking part in the OceanDAO community!

Christian Casazza

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Thanks for getting back. My project is already created here: OceanDAO Seed Grants
and the category is “Unleash data”.

I’m not sure about what the fundamental metric should be. Perhaps number of wallet addresses that ultimately are processed and stored in the dataset, but it could also be number of labels connected. Or ‘wallets x labels’

Hi @abhi
I’m sorry about the confusion.
Thank you for submitting your proposal. It is registered and accepted.

We’ve updated the discourse template. It seems like you’ve submitted your proposal before the update. If you update your proposal through the seed portal without any changes, it should have the new template.




Thanks very much for this submission.

The proposal appears to be very generic, it doesn’t mention Ocean at all - not Ocean products or Ocean ecosystem. Could you clarify more specifically how you plan to make something useful for Ocean ecosystem, please?

  • Please include fraud issues that are unique to the Ocean ecosystem.
  • And, please describe how specific products in the Ocean ecosystem might possibly use the “final product” described by this grant.

Thank you!

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The final dataset which is being built will be published either on Ocean data marketplace or we’ll fork Ocean data marketplace for our use-cases (as there will be more in future).

  • Please include fraud issues that are unique to the Ocean ecosystem.

The fraud issue is one of the use-cases that is generic to many DAOs/NFTs etc. not specific to Ocean Protocol. Like one of the use-case can be in detecting wash trading in NFTs.
Anyone can consume data index / API which we’ll publish to potentially detect fraud. There will be a detailed write-up on fraud detection and other use-cases after data has been indexed.

  • And, please describe how specific products in the Ocean ecosystem might possibly use the “final product” described by this grant.

There will be two options to consume the data (final product):

  • one-off download of JSON index (which is updated every 24 hours)
  • API for quickstart.

There’s still research to be done on how and where this API will be published (as billing with $OCEAN needs to be well thought of if that’s possible). I guess that would depend on if we decide to fork the data marketplace.

There are still some variables that haven’t been entirely decided on, but once we start working - I’ll outline more details and update on a website/post.

Thanks. If I haven’t clarified something, feel free to follow up.


Hi, Thanks for the response.

[Trent] please include fraud issues that are unique to the Ocean ecosystem
[abhi] fraud issue … is generic

I was hoping you’d share specific fraud issues that the Ocean ecosystem has seen. I guess that was before your time. I encourage you to iterate with community members and learn. It will help you to tune your project with Ocean’s needs.

[Trent] please describe how specific products in the Ocean ecosystem might possibly use the “final product” described by this grant.
[abhi] Two options: … [1] one-off download of JSON index [2] API for quickstart.

For the one-off download, would this be as a data asset published through Ocean Market (or your own fork) ?



Hi Trent,

The core focus of this grant is on making data available, so while this work is out of scope for this proposal but it certainly sounds like a perfect example. Will definitely keep it in mind after the label data is indexed. Do you have any recommendations for a community member I should get in touch with once the time comes?

For the one-off download, would this be as a data asset published through Ocean Market (or your own fork)?

Still undecided, but either one of them. We wouldn’t fork the data marketplace unless we absolutely have to.



Will definitely keep it in mind after the label data is indexed.

Sounds good.

Do you have any recommendations for a community member I should get in touch with once the time comes?

You could go to the “Project Guiding WG” discord channel to ask, their mission is to help projects. And also simply ask in the main discord channel or TG channel. Then people with experience and time will step forward:)

but either one of them

Thanks. Sounds good:)