EMRchain, LLC | EMRchain, LLC | Round 18

Project Name

EMRchain, LLC

Project Category

Unleash Data

Proposal Earmark

New Entrants

Proposal Description

Grant Deliverables

1. ERC-20 token with mint/burn

2. NextJS dashboard that allows patients to add, edit, and remove data along with approving sales.

3. NextJS dashboard that allows providers to interact with data of their patients in their preferred method(s).

4. HIPAA compliant PostgresSQL database

Project Description

We have a large vision for our company that is broken up into milestones. These milestones involve a somewhat separate solution that solves slightly different problems. These solutions build on each other.

Our grand vision involves solving two painful and frequent problems healthcare institutions have:

  1. Time spent managing health records. Office workers at healthcare institutions, large and small, spend hours a week fetching, updating, and sending health records. Health records are scattered all over the place across several different databases such as CareQuality and EpicCare.
  2. Lack of complete records. 86% of mistakes made at healthcare institutions are administrative. Doctors and nurses lack all the information needed to provide sufficient care. Oftentimes this is because healthcare institutions cannot find or do not know about all of their patients’ records.

Nicholas Khami has interviewed about 40 physicians, nurses, and doctors to verify these two problems.

Web3 and Web2 companies have made a few attempts to solve this issue. However, none of them are using the same strategy that we are using. Web2 solutions such as Redox and CareQuality are legal frameworks with APIs to access and share records. However, API access is prohibitively expensive. Other Web3 solutions such as MedicalChain or HealthChain are similar to ours yet do not incentivize users to upload their data; nor do they sell their patient’s data. Lastly, the most promising Web3 companies such as HumanScape and MediBloc are only in the Korean market.

Here are the three steps we are pursuing to meet our grand vision:

  1. First Milestone: Data Platform. This milestone allows for users to upload and sell their data. This sets the stage for aggregating patient data. We can show some traction here to help us get healthcare institutions on board later. Patients’ ability to sell their own data will create a new, direct market relationship between patients and Big Pharma. EMRchain will be at the forefront of this movement.
  2. Second Milestone: Healthcare Provider Interface. This milestone allows healthcare providers to access and update patient records. Patients who use our platform can easily share their comprehensive records with the healthcare providers they visit. This saves both parties time.
  3. Third Milestone: Advertisement platform. This milestone allows pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers to reach relevant users on our platform. Big Pharma and device manufacturers have trouble reaching patients. Billions of dollars are lost due to the inability to target specific patients with ads and outreach. This solution aims to solve this auxiliary problem.

Final Product

The final product combines the three milestones listed above along with aggregating data from existing EHR systems. Our end goal is to be able to integrate with existing EHR system APIs to gather data for millions of our users and allow our users to freely sell their data to pharmaceutical companies or transfer their data to their healthcare providers. Records will be complete due to finding data from several sources and incentivizing the patient to fill in any possible gaps.

Value Add Criteria

Usage of Ocean: Through our project, we are laying the groundwork for the future of health record management built on Ocean Protocol.

Viability: The main concern we see is not being able to sell health data for more than we buy it at. We have to properly incentivize patients to gather and give us their comprehensive health records. Patients are given a token reward for each piece of data that is uploaded and verified. However, if their health data is not worth much, we must sell it at a loss. To counter this, we have built a back-up revenue model. When our token is being successfully used for data exchange, it's generating market value. If we keep 20% of the supply, we can rely on selling off our reserves to pay for the patient data.

Community Engagement: We participate in hackathons monthly to showcase and build on our project. We meet new advisors and grow our team by about one person a month.

Community Value: EMRchain meets Ocean's mission very well in that we both aim to unlock data. Our users retain full ownership of their health data and can choose to transfer or sell as they please. We will secure any verifiable audit necessary to make sure patient data stays private and secure.

Core Team

Lukas Brazdeikis

Role: Co-Founder

Credentials: B.S. in Computational Physics from The University of Texas at Austin, current graduate software development student at Duke University.

GitHub: WitheringRiser · GitHub 1

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukas-brazdeikis/

Background/Experience: Solopreneur of an e-commerce site using web scraping that generates 500K revenue per year.

Nicholas Khami

Role: Co-Founder

Credentials: B.S. in Computer Science from The University of Texas at Austin

GitHub: kmkhami (Nicholas Khami ) · GitHub

Personal Website: https://www.nicholaskhami.site/

Background/Experience: Full-stack developer with 1 year of experience working in the payment processing industry and 6 months of experience in solidity development at zeroDAO building a cross-chain bridge.


Sriram Vishwanath

Role: Advisor

Credentials: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Statistics from Stanford University

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sriramvishwanath/

Background/Experience: Built several healthcare startups and is an advisor for a few multi-million-dollar Web3 startups.

Satish Krishnaraj

Role: Advisor

Credentials: M.S. in Information and Computer Sciences from The University of Hawaii

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/satish-krishnaraj-232199/

Background/Experience: 20+ years of software industry experience in various product development, business development roles with many start-ups & well established companies.

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address

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Hi there,

Thank you for applying for R18!

I am a Project-Guiding Guide and have assigned myself to help you.

Your proposal has been registered into the grants program.

it seems you have made a NEAR token one of your deliverables. Ocean V4 is currently not deployed to NEAR, see this previous proposals comments. You can reach out to that team member to discover process with NEAR.

I would suggest updating deliverable to not include NEAR.

Please refer to the Grant Proposal Template and the OceanDAO Airtable for more information.

We have attempted to make your first grant easy to earn (you are registered in the New Entrant Earmark) I would also recommend one (or all) of the following to increase support:

  1. Saying hi to the community in #ocean-dao and sharing your proposal.
  2. Saying hi to members of the #project-guiding WG and sharing your proposal.
  3. Meet with the Guides assigned to you by the #project-guiding WG.
  4. Attend a Town Hall or Project-Guiding WG meeting to talk about your project and proposal.

All the best!

-Christian Casazza

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Hi Christian, we apologize for the confusion with the grant deliverables. We didn’t mean to include the NEAR token type and have now modified it to include the right token type. Thanks to your advice on reaching out the community to increase project support, my co-founder has started on that.
Lukas Brazdeikis

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