Name of Project: Disrupt MLS(Multiple Listing Service)
Proposal in one sentence: Disrupt the centralization of homebuyer inventory data on the MLS
Description of the project and what problem is it solving:
The data around home buying is centralized via the MLS. Realtors have to pay to access the data and upload it to the MLS, sellers have to pay realtors to place their listings on the MLS and sign exclusivity contracts to do so. Owners who want to subvert this process and list their property do not get the visibility that entering the MLS system provides. Disrupt MLS cuts out the realtors, traditional MLS and associated fees. It takes seller listings and puts them where buyers are, on sites like , zillow, etc.
Grant Deliverables:
- Grant Deliverable 1 - landing page (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
- Grant Deliverable 2 - database that will store data
- Grant Deliverable 3 - api fetch data from landing page to store on database
The initial grant deliverables are still underway with screen shots below to show progress. The road map below will be amended to reflect the complexity of the deliverable. The site as it stands now is purely functional and is not ready yet for beta testing or public consumption. Styling/branding will be refined before the calls for beta testing to the site.
For any engineers out there the current blocker is the complexity of the create listing page and conflicts with “lifting up state” using hooks. In an effort to have the child components inform the parent, I have run into a scenario where an infinite render loop is occurring. Once the pattern of how the different levels of components has been established, creating the rest of the 17 pages of the create listing experience will be a breeze.
Code: (a url for a Pull Request will be submitted soon)
Blog Post:
Screen shots:
Which category best describes your project?
- Unleash data
Which Fundamental Metric best describes your project?
- Primary Metric: “$ Datatoken Consuming Volume”.
- Secondary Metric: “Total Value Locked”.
What is the final product?:
The final product is a service that collects, stores and displays sellers listings outside of the MLS. This valuable data can then be accessed directly by wholesalers or investors (who place a premium on listings outside of the MLS) and access can be sold to by sites such as Zillow and Realtor which will add more value to their platforms.
How does this project drive value to the “fundamental metric” (listed above) and the overall Ocean ecosystem?
We can get minimum 30 data buyers (and thousands of data sellers in the form of FSBO listings).
Each buyer does (20K OCEAN / month) of consume volume on Ocean Market. This is a total of 600K OCEAN / month consume volume.
This is the average recurring volume for future months.
So bang = 30K OCEAN.
Grant size = buck = 20K OCEAN
So ROI = bang / buck = 30K OCEAN / 20K OCEAN = 1.5.
Proposer’s estimate of % chance of success = 70%
Final: expected ROI = 0.70 * 1.5 = 1.05
As it stands now, There are multiple MLSes that compete with each other. It stands to reason that this service can thrive in the system as it currently exists and out live it as disruption in the Real estate space persists.
Funding Requested: (Amount of USD your team is requesting - Round 10 Max @ $20,00)
Proposal Wallet Address: 0x89128D2be9163d65b3dF2Ebf088A0904Dc48B625
Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant (Y/N)? Y
Country of Residence: United States
Part 2 - Team
IMPORTANT: See Criterion (4). One Project/One proposal on communicating “Core Team” versus “Advisor”. You may be ineligible if not correctly updated.
Core Team
For each team member, give their name, role and background such as the following.
Jenny V.
- Role: software Engineer - Founder,
Relevant Credentials :
- GitHub:
- LinkedIn:
- Yahoo!
- Healthline Media
Dianne Jennings - Real Estate Broker and Lender in Georgia, United States
Part 3 - Proposal Details
Project Deliverables - Category:
- Data will be made available on Ocean Market
If the project includes software:
- Are there any mockups or designs to date? Yes (see screen shots above)
- An overview of the technology stack?
Node, React, AWS, MongoDB, Rabbit MQ
Project Deliverables - Roadmap
- Any prior work completed thus far? Yes
- What is the project roadmap? That is: what are key milestones, and the target date for each milestone.
Based on the work for this first round (Round 9) Here is a much more accurate road map based on the complexity of each step and the resource allocation currently.
Publish an article/tutorial explaining your project as part of the grant. October 2021(COMPLETED)
Landing Page where buyer and seller data is collected gauging interest. October 2021 => Round 10 deliverable
Create Listing Page (ready for beta testing(End of October 2021) => Round 10 deliverable
Get site on production environment and available to ping (End of November 2022) => Round 11 deliverable
Maintaining user sessions => Round 11 deliverable
API Creation - authenticated web page that gathers seller data =>Round 11 deliverable
API Creation - making data available on Ocean Market. =>Round 11 deliverable
Ad Creative that will lead to landing page - specifically to gauge interest in home sellers. & Blog Post Outlining Ad creative performance => Round 12 deliverable
------ Future deliverables -----
7. Build relationships with services like Zillow, Realtor. -
8. Market data Access to investors and wholesalers. -
Maintenance - For sure. It is about stomping out bugs and taking in consumer feedback to become better than the MLS
Additions - Again this will depend on where the real estate market goes, and where competitors go as well.