DATALATTE | Dashboard V2 & TwitterLATTE - May Launch | Round 17

Project Name


Project Category

Build & Integrate

Proposal Earmark


Proposal Description

In data-driven businesses, we see two pain points, those which affect data producers and those which affect data consumers.

Every day, internet firms harvest and monetize their users’ data. There is, however, no compensation for users’ digital footprints. Since 2018, the general data protection regulation (GDPR) gives users (data producers) the right to access their personal data on each internet platform they use. Nevertheless, internet users (data producers) are often unaware that they can take advantage of GDPR’s power to access and monetize their data.

Meanwhile, companies need to harness insights from their clients’ data to grow their business and acquire and retain customers. For Data scientists (data consumers), it’s crucial to find reliable data to build robust AI models and capture actionable insights. However, limited access to high-quality data often constrains model performance and data insights to meet business needs.

Our DATALATTE DApp aims to relieve these two types of pain points by being the bridge between data producers and data consumers. On the one hand, we empower internet users to reclaim and monetise their personal data anonymously. On the other hand, we provide data scientists with the opportunity to access previously inaccessible, high-quality data for a small fee. At the heart of our platform are the four core pillars: trust, intelligence, community support and usability.

Grant Deliverables

  • Grant Deliverable 1: TwitterLATTE launch: accepting twitter data uploads in dashboard
  • Grant Deliverable 2: Dashboard V2: better UI, user’s statistics, additional pipelines and dataQuests
  • Grant Deliverable 3: Content strategy and publishing two data & web3 oriented articles under

Project Description

We empower internet users to monetize their own data and provide data scientists with access to non-identifiable users’ data using an AI Feature marketplace at an affordable price.

Final Product

The DATALATTE is a dApp platform with two main stakeholders (Data Producers and Data Consumers), four core DATALATTEfunctionalities (Audit Store, AI Feature marketplace, Compute-to-data and dataBarista NFTs) and a Data Marketplace powered by Ocean Protocol.

Value Add Criteria

The global data monetization market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.02% and is estimated to reach up to US$ 200 billion in 2021 [ref]. The increase in the market results on the one hand from the increase in the data basis and on the other hand from the better use of the data itself. One thing that is not taken into account, however, is that it is currently oligopolies that offer their data or its insights - if all this data is combined in one marketplace, the result is a significantly higher monetary and informal value.

If we succeed in taking over at least 0.00000045% of this fast-growing market, this means a total transaction volume of 90K$ (R9, R11, R12, R14 & R17 buck) is generated, to provide an ROI of at least 1.

Core Team

Hossein Ghafarian Mabhout (Amir), PhD, Founder, CEO

Malaz Elnaiem, PhD Candidate, Communications Director

Chiara Pasqualino, MA, Social Media Director

  • LinkedIn:
  • 2 years experience as PR Officer at GroupePixi
  • 4 years experience as Digitial Content Manager at NewAdventures

Karolina Baltulyte, MA, CMO

Toktam Ghafarian, PhD, Advisor, AI Director

Amiro0o, Msc, Core Dev

  • 5 years experience as a developer
  • 3 years experience in ML

Mezli Vega Osorno, PhD, Art Director

Allan Cama, Legal Counsel

Reza, Illustrator artist

  • 10 years commercial illustrating

Samare, Illustrator assistant

  • 5 years commercial illustrating

JJ, Msc, Core Dev, back-end

  • 5 years full stack
  • 3 years pipeline engineer

Amqa, Msc, Core Dev, back-end

  • 5 years full stack
  • 3 years pipeline engineer

Amirreza, Msc, Core Dev, Client side developer

  • 5 years app and web frontend development

Yasin, Core Dev, Full stack designer

  • 3 years design and UX

Mehran, Core Dev, back-end

  • 5 years full stack

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address

Thank you for applying for R-17!

Your proposal has been registered into the system and everything looks great!

A Project-Guiding member will soon assign themselves to your project, read your proposal, and provide a review to help increase signal to this project if they find it to be constructive and valuable based on the Ocean Ecosystem values.

I would also recommend one (or all) of the following to increase support:

  1. Saying hi to the community in #ocean-dao and sharing your proposal.
  2. Saying hi to members of the #project-guiding WG and sharing your proposal.
  3. Meet with the Guides assigned to you by the #project-guiding WG.
  4. Attend a Town Hall or Project-Guiding WG meeting to talk about your project and proposal.

All the best!

  • Timothy C | OCEAN PGWG

Project submitted deliverables:

Oceaners, we are pleased to submit give a report on our deliverables on our R17’s proposal:

  • Grant Deliverable 1: TwitterLATTE launch: accepting twitter data uploads in dashboard
  • Grant Deliverable 2: Dashboard V2: better UI, user’s statistics, additional pipelines and dataQuests

A demo of dashboard.v2 and its features was presented in OceanDAO townhall 76: Town Hall 76 · oceanprotocol/oceandao Wiki · GitHub

The features include “Upload & annonomyise” twitter data module, twitter data audit algorithm, dataQuest filters and types, etc.

A public launch of dashboard.v2 is scheduled for 6th June, via our dashboard: DATALATTE

  • Grant Deliverable 3: Content strategy and publishing two data & web3 oriented articles under

We have published two blogposts with titles:

Data Economy Transition: Web2 to Web3

Data Brokers & Surveillance Capitalism


Thank you for submitting an update to your grants and properly communicating your deliverables! Your description is very easy to follow, and for us to validate against your original outline. I am accepting your deliverables and would like to congratulate your progress and contributions! - Idiom