4thWall | Ocean Entertainment Data | Round 17

Project Name


Project Category

Unleash Data

Proposal Earmark

New Entrants

Proposal Description

4thWall is a decentralized ecosystem of tools founded on the principle of Data-As-Labor. Based at the intersection of entertainment and crypto, 4thWall is a DAO that empowers its community to leverage its own anonymous, crowdsourced viewing data to form Data Unions with various marketplaces, unlock previously untapped data sources, and utilize a collective voice to steer the DAO and create future content of its own.

The backbone of 4thWall’s ecosystem is the free Chromium browser extension. The browser extension crowdsources anonymous streaming data from a selection of whitelisted sites and will reward users with $FILM tokens.

We are seeking funding to help grow our dataset sample size to provide a stronger listing on Ocean’s marketplace.

Grant Deliverables

4thWall Dataset launch - creating a marketplace listing on Ocean of real-time computer-based television and movie viewing data from Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video. The grant will be used to help grow our dataset sample size.

Project Description

The entertainment industry’s data is stuck in the 1950s. The dominant player, Nielsen, still measures viewing behavior via physical devices installed in 40,000 participants’ homes. Other arrivals to the digital viewership measurement space have tried to measure streaming data indirectly, but no solutions have emerged that capture real-time viewing habits of computer-based streaming.

In addition to the outdated collection methods, Digital Streamers (Netflix, Hulu, HBO, etc.) keep their viewership metrics siloed behind their own corporate walls, leaving each unaware of what content is actually in demand by viewers outside their ecosystem. Unlocking access to this data will elevate the quality of the entire industry’s creative output as Digital Streamers can create more in-demand programming, viewers can access the best cross-platform content, content creators can tap into their core audience base, and advertisers can act upon objective performance metrics and reward the best creative content in the market.

Our Solution - 4thWall is a decentralized ecosystem of tools founded on the principle of Data-As-Labor. Based at the intersection of entertainment and crypto, 4thWall is a DAO that empowers its community to leverage its own anonymous, crowdsourced viewing data to unlock previously untapped data sources, form Data Unions, sell on various marketplaces, and utilize a collective voice to steer the DAO and create future content of its own.

The backbone of 4thWall’s ecosystem is the free Chromium browser extension that crowdsources anonymous streaming data from a selection of whitelisted sites and rewards users with $FILM tokens.

The beta version of the extension was available on Chrome and Brave in 2020 and collected 2 million data points before being brought offline in 2021 for updates as we prepared v2.

4thWall analyzes users’ streaming data 900x more accurately than the dominant player, Nielsen, while anonymously collecting: Platform Name, Show Name, Episode Number, Minutes Watched & Viewing Region. These inputs allow us to calculate numerous trends including the gold-standard metric in television data: Average-Minute-Audience, the main measurement used to drive advertising pricing on programs.

If we can grow past Nielsen’s sample size (~100,000), this dataset will become the premiere source of computer-based viewing habits within the entertainment industry. We believe listing this dataset on Ocean’s marketplace will bring in an entire sector of people looking for high-quality viewership data.

For more information, please check out our white paper here

Final Product

An industry-best dataset comprised of real-time computer-based viewing habits hosted on the Ocean Marketplace. Eventually we would like to create our own marketplace and storefront that is built on top of the Ocean Protocol

Value Add Criteria

We believe the two reasons 4thWall would add value to Ocean's Marketplace are its accuracy and scalability. 4thWall analyzes user streaming data 900x more accurately than the dominant player, Nielsen, while anonymously collecting: Platform Name, Show Name, Episode Number, Minutes Watched & Viewing Region. These inputs allow us to calculate numerous trends including the gold-standard metric in television data: Average-Minute-Audience, used to drive advertising pricing on programs.

Scalability - Nielsen uses antiquated technology that the industry is tiring of, and a modest sample size of only 40,000 homes, a number we think 4thWall’s community can easily eclipse. Other arrivals to the streaming data space have tried to measure streaming data indirectly, but no solutions have emerged that capture real-time viewing habits of computer-based streaming. 

If we can grow past Nielsen’s sample size (~100,000), this dataset will be the premiere source of computer-based viewing habits within the entertainment industry. We believe listing this dataset on Ocean's marketplace will bring in an entire sector of people looking for high-quality viewership data. 

Core Team

Cody Autterson, Andrew Schneider

Co-Founders - Porch House

Gunnar Autterson

UI / UX Design - CU Boulder - BA Creative Technology and Design


Zach Miller

Core Contributor - Sone

Funding Requested

Minimum Funding Requested

Wallet Address

Thank you for applying for Round 17!

I am a Project-Guiding Guide and have assigned myself to help you.
We have attempted to make your first grant easy to earn (you are registered in the New Entrant Earmark) I would also recommend one (or all) of the following to increase support:

  1. Saying hi to the community in #ocean-dao and sharing your proposal.
  2. Saying hi to members of the #project-guiding WG and sharing your proposal.
  3. Meet with the Evaluators assigned to you by the #project-guiding WG.
  4. Attend a Town Hall or Project-Guiding WG meeting to talk about your project and proposal.

Your proposal has been registered into the grants program, however we’re seeing some issues:

  • Your Deliverable checklist is not well defined.

  • Your Proposal Category is not clearly defined.

  • Your Fundamental Metric is not clearly defined.

  • Your E-Mail address is missing.

  • Your Country is missing.


Thanks for reaching out Christian!

I’m not seeing these entry fields on the proposal submission page but here they are:

Deliverable Checklist -
[ ] Create Ocean Marketplace listing with 4thWall’s Community dataset
[ ] Grow sample size to 500
[ ] Add Prime Video to dataset collection

Proposal Category - Build / improve applications or integrations to Ocean

Fundamental Metric - Market WAU (Weekly market participants in Ocean Market or across all data markets)

Email - Cody@4thwall.app

Country - USA

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