[Proposal] Longtail Financial - Tokenspice2 github issue task force

Longtail Financial - Tokenspice2 github issue task force

Longtail Financial is a squad of developers and data scientists in web3. Our team would like to answer the call to issues on tokenspice2 on github: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/tokenspice2/issues

We have a visions of tokenspice2 becoming the defacto agent-based automated trading system running in defi, allowing strategies to access the OCEAN data marketplace to enable better capital efficiency for trading.

The more money that we raise through this grant, the more our team can dedicate resources towards this vision. Our standard rate for token engineering and development is $90USD/Hour. We have an automated system that tracks our hours in discord when we are working, also, development workflows are video recorded (and streamed on twitch) to produce future educational materials.


We are maintaining and enhancing tokenspice2 to broaden it’s ‘EVM-in-the-loop’ capabilities to make it a highly effective crypto-economic simulator. The yield on this is three-fold, first of all, it enables the OCEAN community to producer higher fidelity and accuracy simulations of the OCEAN economy, giving the DAO clear insights into where to focus efforts to maximize growth, secondly, we see that collaborative efforts on tokenspice2 now at these early stages will cause a snowball effect for usage and adoption of tokenspice throughout the token engineering world, thus bringing greater attention to the contributions that OCEAN has made to the field, thus reinforcing confidence in OCEAN. Thirdly, and most importantly, our background at longtail financial is in the development of automated trading systems, and we see that tokenspice2 has the potential to be the ultimate engine for testing automated trading strategies, given its agent-based modular design, it’s native compatibility with OCEAN marketplace, and it’s ability to directly interact with EVM for testing and deployment of strategies.

Using tokenspice2 as a trading engine is powerful because it allows agents to automatically interact with the OCEAN data economy to reference data sets that drive trading strategies. More data usage equals higher capital efficiency equals higher yields equals more investment back into datasets. This feedback loop has the potential to boost OCEAN data consumption on an exponential curve.

Trent said it himself:

From: https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-datatokens-from-money-legos-to-data-legos-4f867cec1837

  • Primary Metric: “$ Datatoken Consuming Volume”.
  • Secondary Metric: “Snowball effect for tokenspice2 adoption”.
  • Project length: 4 months.
  • I believe that we can deploy a proof of use-case for tokenspice2 being an effective automated trading engine for agents to consume OCEAN data. In the case that this is successful, a gold rush may be established where tokenspice2 becomes the defacto defi trading engine enabling trading strategies that consume OCEAN data for higher capital efficiency.
  • Let’s say that we spark a field of innovation in terms of tokenspice2+OCEANMARKET as a standard practice for automated trading. Then this could reasonably lead to 10M OCEAN / month of data consumption. It’s a recurring volume for future months.

Calculations for Expected ROI:

  • Ocean Community gets 0.2% of consume volume. 0.2% * 10M / month * 12 months = approx 24M OCEAN
  • So bang = 24M OCEAN.
  • Grant size = buck = 25K OCEAN
  • So ROI = bang / buck = 24M OCEAN / 25K OCEAN = approx. 1000.
  • Proposer’s estimate of % chance of success = 10%
  • Final: expected ROI = 0.1 * 1000 = 100

The sooner that tokenspice2 can be made broadly available, the sooner that more developers, researchers, and engineers will become comfortable in running it over diverse scenarios, and with continuously improving fidelity. That means more researchers, means more results, means more development on tokenspice2 means higher fidelity models, insights, understandings, and optimizations.

Happy to address questions or feedback in the comments here. Thanks for reading! :fish:

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Grant Proposal Template
Key Project Data

Name of project:

Longtail Financial - Tokenspice2 github issue task force

Team Website (if applicable):


Proposal Wallet Address 0x763d7D362B59aeA3858a92a302e18cd41b1252d4 
Current country of residence Canada
Contact Email swanders@ualberta.ca
Twitter Handle: @ygg_anderson
Discord Handle: ygg_anderson
The proposal in one sentence: Tackle Tokenspice2 Github Issues
Which category best describes your project? Pick one or more.
    Build / improve applications or integrations to Ocean
    Unleash data

Funding Amount: 18,000 OCEAN
Current Remaining Grant Treasury Balance (if previous recipient)
Have you previously received an OceanDAO Grant? No

Project Overview

Description of the project:

See the first post in this thread.

What problem is your project solving?

Maintaining and growing the tokenspice2

What is the final product (e.g. App, URL, Medium, etc)?

Resolved github issues.

How does this project drive value to the Ocean ecosystem? This is best expressed as Expected ROI, details here.

We want to spark community development and research on tokenspice2

Project Deliverables - Category

IF: Build / improve applications or integration to Ocean, then:

App will be live, at: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/tokenspice2 
Is your software open-source? Project can be found (with permissive license if necessary) at: github.com/___ YES

IF: Unleash data , then:

Exercising on-chain data generation through the EVM-in-the-loop mechaism and agent training.

IF: Build / improve Ocean core software, then:

A PR will be made to these Ocean components: tokenspice following best practices for quality etc
I commit to working with Ocean core developers to merging the PR

Project Deliverables - Roadmap

Any prior work completed thus far? Yes - Original commits happened December/January this year.
What is the project roadmap? 

We will aim to close 10 issues by October 1st 2021.

Please include the milestone: publish an article/tutorial explaining your project as part of the grant (eg medium, etc).
Please include the team's future plans and intentions.
    Any maintenance?

Yes, future maintenance is a big part of our plans, that’s why this grant would be an exciting beginning.
Foreseen or possible additions?
Yes, integrations with Longtailfintech and other innovations emerging in the token engineering space.

Project Details

If the project includes software:

The github issues can be seen on the repo.

If the project includes community engagement:

No social media needed.

Team members

For each team member, give their name, role and background such as the following.
Shawn Anderson

Role: developer
Relevant Credentials (e.g.):
    GitHub: https://github.com/linuxiscool
    LinkTree: linktr.ee/ygg_anderson

    Founder, Longtail FInancial
    Data Scientist
    Token Engineer

Nico Rodriguez

Role: developer
Relevant Credentials (e.g.):
    GitHub: https://github.com/officialnico/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/officialnicoTE

    Token Engineer, Longtail FInancial

Johann Suarez

Role: developer
Relevant Credentials (e.g.):
    GitHub: https://github.com/JohannSuarez
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/suarez_johann

    Token Engineer, Longtail Financial

Bhargav kakadiya

Role: developer
Relevant Credentials (e.g.):
    GitHub: https://github.com/bhargavkakadiya
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/bgkakadiya

    Token Engineer, Longtail FInancial

Additional Information

No previous funding, but Shawn has collaborated with Trent through personal mentorship, the Token Engineering Academy and Commons, and work on tokenspice2.

See background here: https://shawnltf.medium.com/on-nature-2-0-a-token-engineering-framework-for-designing-on-chain-behaviour-of-intelligent-agents-432a266e5af1

Hey @ygg_anderson,

awesome proposal - I love the idea that someone pushes forward with TokenSpice2.
Just one remark towards your ROI, there is a deeper explanation of it in Github and this metric is key to track the success of your proposal for potential future grants to measure how much impact you had.

Best of luck in this round!

To further accommodate the projects building in the OceanDAO community we have increased the Total Round Funding Available to 272.000 OCEAN for Round 6. Max Individual Proposal Limit = 27.200 OCEAN.

See more: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/oceandao/wiki

Thanks both for the info! I’m going to refine my proposal today to better reflect ROI in Ocean context, and I’ll consider the adjusted max funding. Thanks!

Great proposal @ygg_anderson!
Let me share an initiative to underpin the need for TokenSPICE development.

Ocean Markets @Balancer Simulations is an #OpenScience initiative with Balancer and Ocean for research on Ocean Markets. We’ll collaborate with researchers to study agent-based models to

  • compare one-sided with two-sided data staking
  • model the effect of liquidity mining and other incentives on data supply or demand
  • compare Dutch Auctions versus Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools for Initial Data Offerings (IDOs)

This requires perfect-fidelity models of Balancer V1 and V2 contracts, built in TokenSPICE.
The results will be accessible and re-usable for the Balancer, Ocean, and Token Engineering communities. More about this research group here:

Good luck - and see you there!

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Congratulations on your proposal.

I would like to invite you to give a showcase of your project to The Alternate Future Summit. You can check our application here: The Alternate Future Summit (internship + hackathon)

Please, let me know what you think. I’m looking forward to hear from you! You can also reach me on email: marta@boarded.in

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Thanks Marta! Sent you an email.