[Data Whale] Improve ALGA, an Ocean Market DeFi Mobile Application

ALGA DeFi Wallet - the Data Token Market in your pocket

Proposal Application Details

:heavy_dollar_sign: Ethereum Address

:bird: Twitter Account

:speech_balloon: Telegram

:computer: Data Whale’s Website

:writing_hand: Data Whale’s Blog

:tv: Web3 Data Economy YouTube Channel

:email: info@datawhale.online

:united_arab_emirates: Country of Residence - United Arab Emirates

:blue_heart: Our Round 12 Pledge: 12’500 US$ (in treasury: 2’093 US$)

:paperclip: Primary Category

  • Build a Data Token mobile application integrated with Ocean Protocol Market.

Proposal Summary

:squid: Data Whale’s primary objective is to build tools that support the adoption of Ocean Protocol’s Marketplace and the asset class of “Data Tokens”. Our mobile app ALGA, our successful dataset “Directory” and continued outreach efforts aim to drive a positive ROI towards the Web3 data economy.

Round 12 Deliverables

[ ] To establish an analysis of how to pair React Native with ocean.js.
[ ] To finalize following development to the ALGA user experience and app functionality.

  • Watchlist functionality
  • Sign-Up Backend Finalization
  • Session Management
  • Edit Profile
  • Change Password Backend Finalization

[ ] To continue generic outreach initiatives on Twitter, YouTube and our Blog.

Round 11 Achievements

In Round 11, we spent 14’250 US$ to achieve a major milestone: to integrate WalletConnect to our ALGA application. In addition to this, we have been able to finalize the below.

Our generic outreach activities have continued to prove extraordinary results. Go check-out our channels to watch Bruce’s interview!



Website / Blog

We also celebrated our FIRST ANNIVERSARY !

ALGA Objectives

Upon completion, by end of Q4/21, ALGA intends to generate the following value for the Ocean Market.

  1. Provide a simple user interface to add/remove liquidity from Data Token liquidity pools launched on Ocean Market.
  2. Provide a Data Token first wallet, where users can track the value of their Data Token and DT Liquidity Pool Portfolio.
  3. Provide a Data Token swap interface, where $OCEAN can be used to swap DT.
  4. Generate positive network value through fees, as well as onboarding data curators.

Provided that Ocean Market traction increases by the time the app is completed, we assume that we will generate an incremental transaction volume of 500’000 $OCEAN through ALGA within a 1-year timeframe.

Our Team

ALGA Development Lead
Name: Omar Saadoun


  • 1 Project Manager
  • 1 React Native Frontend Developer
  • 1 Web3 Backend Developer
  • 1 Graphic / UI Expert

Data Whale
Name: Moritz F.
Role: Team Lead

OceanDAO Criterions

Criterion 1: Ocean Value-Add

  • Usage: The ALGA dApp aims to make the engagement with the Ocean Market more seamless via a dedicated mobile app for iOS and Android.
  • Viability: Given the progress we have made and the WalletConnect integration, we estimate the chance of success for completing the project at 90%. In addition we have continuously build a potential user-base across our Outreach channels and are experiencing daily sign-ups on our beta app.
  • Community Active-ness: We are an integral part of the Ocean community and active across several channels.
  • Adding Value: Our primary objective is to add value to the general Ocean eco-system. Our content appeals to a variety of audiences with different level of understanding about the Web3 data economy.

Criterion 2: Ocean Protocol’s Mission & Values

  • Evidently, we are aligned with Ocean Protocol’s Mission & Vision to unlock the value of data across all levels of society. Kindly visit our Blog for a deeper understanding of our views.

Criterion 3: Ocean Protocol’s Mission & Values

  • We meet the minimum requirements of $OCEAN funds in our wallet linked above.

Updated ROI Calculation & Finances

Our project can prove a net positive network effect of over 100’000 $OCEAN. Read below to find out more!

Actualized BANG in $OCEAN (Success = 100%, as of 25.11.21):

  1. TVL in Data Whale Liquidity Pools (excl. Publisher): ~37’411 $OCEAN
  2. Swap Fees Generated: ~60’000 $OCEAN
  3. Data Consume Volume: ~24’895 $OCEAN

Estimated BANG Metrics in $OCEAN (Estimation = 50%):

  1. Ocean Outreach:
    a. Twitter Lifetime-Impressions (~1’000’000) * Avg. Engagement (3.8%) = 38’000
    b. YouTube Lifetime-Impressions (~245’000) * Avg. Engagement (7.4%) = 12’807
    c. Website Sessions (~5’000)
    c. [[Total Interactions * Estimated Ocean Market Engagement (5%)] * Estimated Network Value ($OCEAN 150)] - Actualized Network Value = 2160 * 150 = 418’552 $OCEAN - 122’306 $OCEAN = 296’246 $OCEAN

  2. 1-Year Data Whale Telegram IDO (TVL+Swap Fees+Consume): 30’000 $OCEAN

  3. 1-Year Future Network Effect (ALGA + Web-App): 500’000 $OCEAN

Concluding Formula:
122’306 $OCEAN BANG [ACTUAL] * 100% + 948’552 BANG [ESTIMATED] * 50% / (13’000+10’000+10’000+15’000+32’000+22’764+17’497+~12’500) = 596’582 $OCEAN / 132’761 $OCEAN GRANT = 4.49 :bangbang:

Detailed Data Whale Financial Statement


Based on our “Reflections on the Round 10 of OceanDAO”, we have re-adjusted our focus and put all our efforts on finalizing ALGA - our biggest project. OpenSea had 1 Billion US$ in sales when they launched their Mobile Application - Ocean Market will have one ready when the focus shifts to the Web3 Data Economy.

Our future roadmap includes the following initiatives.

  • Continue expanding ALGA functionalities to other data markets and networks.
  • Build a Web3 website that mirrors ALGAs functionalities.
  • Have a greater focus on Ocean Market PR, Outreach and Marketing. We will present our plans along with Ocean Market v4, but it includes community driven initiatives like the Ocean Market Impression Mining Program.
  • Continue launching Data Tokens that represent useful datasets, in order to encourage more data token consume volume on the Ocean Market.
  • Work on PoCs with Ocean community members and potential industry partners to encourage adoption of Ocean Market.


We remain at your disposal for any questions. Contact us on one of our many channels. Please review our proposal and comment below should you have any concerns.

Data Whale

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Love the progress! Keep it up!


Thank you for your submission to R12 @realdatawhale!

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Our Blog is picking up interest!

Today we’ve even received the first dataset referral through the contact-form of the Website. We’ll keep you posted!

Oops! We’ve encountered a challenge :face_with_monocle:

Our major milestone for Round 12 was to present the first mobile transaction on the Ocean Market via ALGA. Last round, we’ve successfully integrated WalletConnect to ALGA, which hypothetically allows us to transact on the Ethereum blockchain.

Ahead of Round 12, we were running some tests to integrate the ALGA wallet to ocean.js (the Ocean Market’s main library). We noted that ocean.js is currently not compatible with React Native (our app’s coding). We are in the process of finding a solution and will meanwhile refine other components of the app.

For a more technical read on the issue, please have a look below. If you are able to provide us with a solution, we are happy to reward this with a bounty of 750 $OCEAN!

Its nice to see the progress on ALGA DeFi app. I think one thing that can become interesting for apps like yours when Data NFTs are out is providing index data funds. Meaning bundling popular data assets under one token to give an ease of index fund management to the user. Similar substrate layer projects that can perhaps be of use as an example: https://circuitsofvalue.com
Good luck this round and look forward to see progress on the app.

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That’s a great comment, thanks Amir! Actually, Trent created something like that via Balancer back when Ocean Market launched!

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Hi there,

For transparency, starting R12, all proposals will have to be funded within 2 weeks of winning a grant.

The funding deadline is December 27th 23:59 GMT.

You can read our wiki and how to submit a funding request to learn more.

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I am Takeshi from Ocean protocol Japan.

Since Ocean Protocol Japan proposal is bimonthly and not this month, I voted for this project.

Let’s revitalize the Ocean ecosystem together, those of us who have supported Ocean since the dawn of time!


Hey guys, voting for you again as this is amazing infrastructure that the ecosystem needs. Trust you can find a solution to this challenge :+1:


RugPullIndex :handshake: DataWhale resolved the issue


@TimDaub - the super-solution finder has striked again and seems to have fixed the challenge within half a day.

We continue to work closely with RugPullIndex to build a stronger eco-system!

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[Deliverables Checklist]

[X] We established how to integrate React Native to ocean.js with the help of @TimDaub at Rug Pull Index.

[X] We hit a major milestone and were able to swap $OCEAN <-> Data Token, as well as add $OCEAN to a Data Token liquidity pool via our Mobile Application. See backups below.

  1. Liquidity: https://twitter.com/realdatawhale/status/1471189725969096706?s=20
  2. Swap: https://twitter.com/realdatawhale/status/1474092426897858567?s=20

Download ALGA:

  1. iOS: https://testflight.apple.com/join/i55xaclP
  2. Android: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1MJHduioTZDkwicZUhkm3eRLoxgeoUN9c

[X] Due to the above unplanned integrations, other functionalities have been delayed for January. The App is scheduled to release on the official stores by February 2022.

[X] We continued our generic Outreach activities, with a focus on our Blog. In addition, we are re-designing our entire Website to include educational Ocean Market Content.

  1. https://twitter.com/realdatawhale/status/1472433104769986562?s=20
  2. https://www.datawhale.online/post/how-ocean-protocol-is-funding-projects-up-to-500-000-us-per-month-to-kickstart-a-web3-data-economy

We are looking to mark this Proposal as completed, in order to be able to potentially apply for funding in future OceanDAO rounds.

Please comment with any feedback below and we trust that this submission maintains our good reputation within the OceanDAO community.

Hey I reached out about possibly partnering on your project or collaborating between projects perhaps? You are perhaps the only one here that I have seen working towards the same ends as I am so far and Im really excited to see the stuff you have made! Keep up the great work!

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Hello there! Thanks a lot for reaching out to us! Please feel free to message us on Telegram https://t.me/realdatawhale or send an Email to info@datawhale.online . We’re looking forward discussing a potential collaboration!

Many thanks,